Sunday, March 28, 2010


SITREP_20100328_1011 gmt

there was a sort of thunderstorm over here on 25th evening. This place I am afraid is prone to lightning strikes and thunderclaps were going off far and near rather threateningly ( I had a near miss some time in early two thousand noughts some where near this area where I was putting up in those days. I was at my computer sitting on my wooden bed. I felt the shock in the pit of my stomach but no physical damage was done. the computer mouse died of the shock – could it be that the mouse saved me! )

the first thing that happened here as a result of the thunderstorm on 25th evening was that the lights went off – the usual thing - ( I could see the caller id flashing repeatedly with almost every clap of thunder but no damage was done and the phone was found working fine later on. ) and the supply was not restored during the nightthe interesting thing is that it is only the line that supplies my house that gets switched off and one hundred meters across I could see the lights on in the other houses.

The power supply was not restored even at 0900 hrs the next day and so I decided to go out to the city to make some purchases and run some errands. I did not bother to telephone the electricity company for there was not much of a point there – they will take their own time whether I telephone or not.

But when in the after noon ( of 26th ) I came back and found that the electric power was not yet restored I started trying the various complaint numbers on the telephone. 155333 the help line of the power supply was "busy" and in spite of repeated efforts i could not get connected; the number of the local electricity section office of the kerala state electricity board (KSEB) at srikaryam 2598591 was giving a funny tone and was again not available.

So I started trying the senior officers. I had a number supposed to be belonging to the divisional engineer KSEB at kazhakoottam 2418236 – when I dialled that number the automatic telephone complaint booking system got activated and I was asked to key in the number of the faulty telephone!

I left it there and started trying all sorts of kseb numbers in trivandrum. One person ( actually not connected with the present problem ) came on line and gave me the cell phone number of the asst engineer over here in srikaryam – the local ae I thought was a lady and so rather than calling her on her cell phone I asked for a land line number of a senior person and I got the number of a senior engineer - 2461147. the lady responded promptly and even rang me back to tell me that the problem is being looked into.

And lo; the power supply was restored – that was within minutes! So where exactly was the problem ? Why were we kept in the dark for 18 hrs? ( by that time it was 1500 hrs on 26 march )

incidentally I did try the cell phone number of the asst. engineer at srikaryam in between. There were two numbers and both were not responding - the reply from one was that the telephone has been switched off and there was some such response from the other number as well. I mentioned this fact to the engineer at 2461147 and she would not believe me for she had talked to the ae on the cell phone only just then !

Later on I talked to the sde at 241xxxx that is kazhakoottam exchange and asked about 2418236 – he said that the number probably had been re-allotted to some body else. But then how could the complaint recording system of the telecom get activated on dialling that number ? He said there is no way it could happen.

See these things are all happening in my case only – no one else has ever had such funny experiences. So what could be the explanation ? !

the answer is very straight forward – I am mad; mad as a hatter !

And I being what I am, it is very much possible that there was no power supply disruption at the above mentioned time and it is all the delusions , illusions and halucinations ( "you doctors" can add some more - i know this many terminologies only ) of a diseased mind.

So please dont tell any body that I have mentioned this to you; let it remain a secret between you and me!

20100327 – last time I made a complaint to the divisional engineer at kazhakoottam about electric power disruption, the power was restored immediately. But the supply was cut off at 2130 that night and was restored only at 0400 the next morning.

Luckily history did not repeat itself on last saturday night and I watched my weekly doze of soap – a – roy in provoked - a so-so movie; she did not provoke me - could be age is telling!

TODAY (that is 20100328 ): I got my enfield bullet going.

Immediately after I broke my heel bone as I was taking my lily out she had hit the bike and the fellow fell on his side. The chap is a heavy weight - 160 kgs ( super heavy?) and with one leg off road I could not lift him up on my own ( and there is no other human being around here whom I would ask for help ) . So the poor fatso was lying on his side for more than a month. Ultimately I could manage to lift him up on my own a week back and put him in the erect position.

the oil level had gone down drastically and the battery had got completely exhausted. I got a ltr of engine oil, got the battery charged and the fellow was revved up some time back today. I have given the bugger a bath and I am going to take him out in a couple of days time. that is going to save me some money for otherwise every trip to the city I am taking lily along and she consumes at least two litres of gas per trip - this fellow can do with less than one.

by the way my heel has started behaving - i have developed a sort of strapping that helps to reuces the pain and with my dms boots ( yes it is still in very good condition) with its ankle support and all i think i can easily ride my bike.

I am trying a new blog _ SITREP. If you dont know the meaning check it up on wiki – I did, to make sure that it is what I thought it was; and there again I was right!



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