today at around noon I booted up the puter and started with make some minor modifications on the present vice man verses ( elegy ) before starting on this sitrep. There was lot of tampering and all sorts of funny things started happening. I don't have any illusions that google will be interested in what I am doing on their page and who was at the page along with me is very obvious.
The end result was that the lower half of the page of kuttan's elegy completely disappeared and I was on the job for the next couple hours rebuilding the page from scratch; a sheer waste of a couple of hours - Thank you gestapi!
Once I finished I made a trip to the local market with the hope that after a long interval I would be able to eat some fish – I had stopped going to the fish market following the fracture – but whatever was available in srikaryam market was all stale. I gave it a slip and I came back after purchasing some milk and provisions.
Had a bath and am at the computer again putting up the sitrep on line.
Today was a rather uneventful day so I will go back in time to seventeenth.
another trip to ernakulam
20100417_ I made another trip to ernakulam.
I had my alarm clock , two of them in fact repaired recently, thanks to a smart young man in the east fort area and with the back up wake up alarm of the telephone I can go to sleep without worrying about not waking up in time and missing the train. And my experience is that even a nap of one hour ( or one hundred minutes like I had on the night of 16 – 17 ) really helps. That way one is far better off than without any sleep at all during the night as used to happen before I had the alarm clocks working.
Smart alec
For once I had rather sour experience in the court at ernakulam this time. It looks my approaching the registrar with an application requesting to issue the judgement early had annoyed the staff and some of them were making an effort to throw a spanner in the works and I had a difficult time. There is a member of the staff who is completely off his rocker and what one of the smart alec did was to screw him up and let him loose on me. Rather than taking offence ( I am afraid that was exactly what was planned) I tolerated his gimmicks – I am sure that this person almost certainly is being retained on compassionate grounds. Ultimateley saner counsel prevailed and I got the certified copy.
In fact I had committed an inadvertent mistake in the copy application ( the crux of the problem was my handwriting which is almost illegible ) and as usual the people who really matter was generous to this fault of mine and ensured that I do not suffer because of that petty mistake.
At the entrance to the court a police havaldar has been specifically been set up ( most likely by the gestapi who is finding that his tricks are not paying off ) to intimidate me! I preferred to ignore this smart-arse in spite of his being extremely rude to me. if I had taken him on that could have resulted in me getting delayed and missing a long distance train back to trivandrum that was running late and supposed to be arriving at ernakulam at 1530hrs – and missing that train would have meant waiting hours and hours, for the next train was in the early hours of the morning.
So I hurried back to the railway station. The train arrived late in the evening only and till then I made myself comfortable on a seat in the railway platform with lots of snacks and the podcasts from the bbc on jyothiPod for company.
The gestapi at ernakulam was keeping a comparatively low profile and I couldn't hear any prostitute birds in the railway station during all those more than three hours I was there on the platform.
A couple of people were set up to talk to me; I was my usual self and talked freely once they initiated the conversation very much aware that the gestapi or his pimp could be in the next berth listening – and that is one way of conveting to the bugger what you think of him.
Back in trivandrum by 2330 hrs, I reached home in a jiffy for my enfield bullet was waiting there in the raliway parking yard and what with almost no traffic on the road.
Had the usual - lemon soda and buttered toast - and went to sleep uninterrupted till i woke up refreshed late in the morning.
last modified 20100421_2054 gmt
From pBirdIPS |
MARTYR - DoD 20100419
the moro clinch
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