Friday, June 3, 2011

june 2011 sitrep


20110603 - 1911 GMT :- I am out of the “vala” once and for all – thank goodness!

                  I got my things moved to trivandrum hiring a small truck at extremely high cost; but time and not money is not my primary concern now a days  - my sands are running out, fast.

                      And that done (on 20110531) I travelled back and reached kzh on wednes day early morning – I was so sleepy I missed my stop and got down at the next town and caught another bus back to kzh about 4kms  away. That was the first instance of my sleeping in the bus or even train for that matter and missing the stop.

                     After a nice refreshing sleep of about 7 hours I got up and started putting the remainiing things in my lily – I had miscalculated a bit there and had to send three packages by a parcel service and so instead of moving out early in the morning of the next day as planned I drove off and out of the vala after settling all accounts to the entire satisfaction of the owner at past 1400hrs.

                   I AM OUT OF THE VALA once and for all – that was on 20110602 wednes day

                        this time on the NH I was driving very fast even touching 90kms per hour at times. But at the towns enroute one has to go real slow and I reached trivandrum by 2100 hrs only. The only mishap was one of those novieue riche scraping against petite lily leaving a small scratch. I hooted my horn and tried to stop the bugger but the wretch speeded away without even bothering to say sorry.

            I had to stop enroute and take a doze of antipyretics; and there were moments when I thought I might not be able to make it at all and will end up in a hospital enroute. I rached trivandrum terribly sick tired and exhausted, got into the first hotel room available and fell asleep .


                   From 20110602 onwards I am in thiruvananthapuram. The indian pimp service and their subcontractors are there as usual, going about  their official chores. The prostitute birds have been let loose at all convenient locations.
               "muzhu bhrantannu” that was a "learned lady" from a house near the site where I am building my abode as I was passing by.
           "thani vattu” that was a "learned professional”  telling his subordinate, another brilliant professional - this professional has studied in detail about clay in a private college and so he can make conclusions on human brain as well for the brain is also made of the same stuff.

           Today I had been up and about since 1100hrs and one thing I did was take petite lily to her own new abode and dump the things in there.

         So, the mission has been accomplished; but only partly. The finale will see me moving to my own home from the hotel room.

               one of the main aims of my constructing a house for myself at this stage in life is to ensure that I have a place where I can lie down and die peacefully. Even the shack I am making now will serve that purpose eminently.

              But at the moment the temproray construction is lacking in basic essentials like a toilet for example. I expect to make it habitable in three - four days' time; but  there could be a slip between the cup and the lip. I am worried for it could be that things have deteriorated far more than what even I am presuming. 

                   well; they say "to hope and to act, these are our duties in misfortune" And i am going to follow the adage to the letter.