Monday, August 20, 2012


 "there is a problem" blogger tells me repeatedly as i try to publish/update this.

I agree, there is a problem; 
there is an Incestuous Bastard (IB for short) 
on the same page along with me 

PHONE No.472-2802028 CUSTOMER ID:4013847942

1. this is regarding the happenings on my home telephone  No.472-2802028 of the nedumangad bsnl of thiruvananthapuram telecom.


2. I received the bill no.208666817 dated 06/06/12 for may 2012 of my above telephone No.472-2802028 some time in june 2012 

incidentally that was one of the very rare occasions that I received a copy of the monthly bill by post. otherwise I was routinely collecting my bill from the accounts officer CTO tvm in person. 

the bill boldly says that as a “dear ecs customer” of thiruvananthapuram telecom the bill is for my information only and the payment will be received from my bank account.

3. however in mid july 2012 I started getting a message from telephone No.472-2802028 that the services on the phone has been stopped due to “NON PAYMENT OF BILL”.

i made enquiries at the bank and got a reply in writing that the above bill was never sent to them by the thiruvananthpuram telecom.

4. After ensuring that there was no problem from my side or the bank I ignored this message from the tvm telecom with the due contempt it deserves and chose to do nothing about it. 

In spite of this when I tried the telephone again on august 01, 2012 I found that the services had been restored!

I would like to highlight the following points  in this regard:

5. my bills for the above land line phone were being paid by ECS from december 2011 onwards. as far as my information goes, and from what I learned from my long experience with the ECS system, once a customer is included in the ECS list his bill will automatically go to the bankers for it is a system generated list.

6. if that is so, the one and only reason for the bill for may not reaching my bankers is that the ECS list has been tampered with by some one, a some one who has got administrative rights over the computer system of thiruvananthapuram taelecom. and that is AN ACT OF COMMISSION, and not omission.

7. Again, it should be obvious from the bill to any one that I am an ecs customer, and the sensible thing would have been to ensure that the telecom's side is clear before pulling the plug on the customer. But thiruvananthapuram telecom was in an unseemly hurry to cut off the line. this knee jerk reaction, ( an exaggerated knee jerk for the higher head quarters has lost control and the ghutna was acting on its own ) was completely UNWARRANTED. 

what has happened was that the ecs bill was not sent to the bankers on purpose and then the line was cut off on the pretext of non-payment of the bill. they just wanted to cut off the line one way or the other - orders from indian pimp service probably

8. whether the culprit has done it with malafide intentions or it was due to thiruvananthapuram telecom's inherent incomepetence is a moot point; but my previous experience points to the former.

9. in fact, even otherwise, my telephone line was mostly non-functional especially so, from late june to almost the middle of july. the bill for the month of july speaks volumes – the total number of calls made is 25 and the total download comes to 41 MB in four hours – GREAT! Copy of a couple of letters I had the occasion to write to the concerned authorities in july 2012 are enclosed herewith.

10. it looks some one operating from within thiruvananthapuram telecom set up has taken the contract for disrupting the services on my telephone and the “gentleman” believes in “the end justifying the means”.


11. I am enclosing copies of a few pictures of the external wiring of my home telephone. the wiring consisting of ordinary telephone wire is in tatters. 

the three joints was when the pictures were taken.
now there are four

Stretching over two electric posts and one old telephone pole over a distance of seventy meters, it is not able to take the strain and has been breaking off at places. there are four joints already and the first one of these open joints is at a height of three feet from the ground ( and this telephone is supposed to have an isd facility).

12. the only solution is laying underground cable which the thiruvananthpuram telecom is adamently refusing to do.

13. with the repeated breaking off and then joining up, now there is just enough wire to reach my house – one more break and repair (which mostly I myself do) and I will be forced to keep the phone outside the house.

14. I tried to book a complaint through your automated complaint booking system on 18/8/12 – I was not being allowed on one pretext or other.

yours faithfully
1.copies of letters 2 ( vide para 9)
2.photocopy of pictures 3 ( vide para 11)


P.S. as far as my information goes my telephone must have been cut off from july 15, 2012 and I came to know that it is functioning on august 01, 2012 only - could be after the next bill was paid.

interestingly in the bill no.225944732 for july 2012 I have been charged for the duration the telephone has been cut off on false pretexts.

am I supposed to pay when the bungling was from the part of thiruvananthapuram telecom ?

don't you think it is the “gentleman” of thiruvananthapuram telecom who is to be penalised, and not me?

                                                                              *  *  *

PS. as i am trying to load this blog on to the net the adsl light is getting switched off at critical moments like say for example when i click update or publish or when i am trying to up load a picture like the one of the tele wire. i do not know exactly where the blog is ending up. but as i said earlier at the moment i dont have any way of clarifying and i am biding my time in the hope i will live long enough to see these members of the indian pimp service in person in my own territory.

the interesting thing is that the connection is not disrupted even when the adsl light is OFF. only thing is that there is no progress

as i was uploading the pictures the adsl went off and then came back and then i was able to continue on this page and the pictures "got up loaded". my hunch is that the connection is routed through  the black hole of the indian gestapo's mother.
added 20120821 IST 0810

this is not the usual time for me to get on to the net and it is very likely that the indian pimp was caught off guard and that was why i was having a cooler time. now there is repeated disruptions the adsl going off and on at will and me "still connected to the net'.
is not it ridiculous the extent to which the indian pimps are going  to harass a simple human being. 

that is the so called  "largest democracy in the world" for you

later i logged on to picasa web and uploaded  a close up of my penis ( with a condom on ) onto the picasa album. i have been cut off again and am typing in this off line 
now it is 1930 hrs over here and it is 21 aug 2012 .