Friday, September 28, 2012

jyo20120928_STOP PRESS


09/28/12 02:56:50 PM GMT

identification parade 





          it was just child's play for the intelligentsia for the fool swallowed the bait hook line and sinker - just walked into the trap.
           from tomorrow on if the bastard does not return from one of his very frequent trips to thiruvananthapuram please do not bother;. he is with us - inside.
             his property will be attached and given as reward to those who helped the law enforcement agency; of course you will have to pay a percentage to the “officers”.

and you know what the idiot did after that ? ! 
see the picture below:

         this is the first time he has been able to find the body in the rubble; the previous two members of the fraternity shot down just disappeared – those were the dark camoflagued ones and extremely difficult to locate. this was the yellow.
              right at the moment this member of the pakkichi service  is hanging by his neck from the clothes line just in front of the house . what an inglorious end! the fate of all spies once they are caught. this chap was lucky for he was hit in the head and was blissfully ignorant of what had happened when he was picked up.

       GMT 03:07:57 PM: before typing this in I had tried to log in once and the pimp very obviously was there with me – and the line got cut off; sorry yaaaarrrr
now a days the adsl is not tampered with much - the white man must have taught them some new trick