Friday, September 28, 2012

jyo20120928_STOP PRESS


09/28/12 02:56:50 PM GMT

identification parade 





          it was just child's play for the intelligentsia for the fool swallowed the bait hook line and sinker - just walked into the trap.
           from tomorrow on if the bastard does not return from one of his very frequent trips to thiruvananthapuram please do not bother;. he is with us - inside.
             his property will be attached and given as reward to those who helped the law enforcement agency; of course you will have to pay a percentage to the “officers”.

and you know what the idiot did after that ? ! 
see the picture below:

         this is the first time he has been able to find the body in the rubble; the previous two members of the fraternity shot down just disappeared – those were the dark camoflagued ones and extremely difficult to locate. this was the yellow.
              right at the moment this member of the pakkichi service  is hanging by his neck from the clothes line just in front of the house . what an inglorious end! the fate of all spies once they are caught. this chap was lucky for he was hit in the head and was blissfully ignorant of what had happened when he was picked up.

       GMT 03:07:57 PM: before typing this in I had tried to log in once and the pimp very obviously was there with me – and the line got cut off; sorry yaaaarrrr
now a days the adsl is not tampered with much - the white man must have taught them some new trick

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


09/26/12 08:48:50 PM GMT

      I am in my shack where I have made myself as comfortable as is possible under the circumstances. am gradually settling down and things have become a bit orderly, a place for every thing and every thing in its place.
       the opposite party is visibly upset. 
         I had been to trivandrum this afternoon as well. my first visit was to the public library. my library card has gone missing from this very room – rest assured I did not loose it. and I have got a new id card and now a days when I go in the alarm at the entrance is set off – the card is the rf id type and could be possible it has been manipulated this time to set off the alarm.
          my main purpose is to get the old copies of time magazine and for some time now there are no new ones available, this in spite of the fact that it is a weekly publication and I was coming back empty handed. today there was a new one but I would have missed it for it was skinned ( like the afghans did to the russian soldiers – do not tell anybody ). the trick did not work out and I picked it up.
          next visit was to the work shop. I have to get my bullet enfield, the man machine's registration renewed and will have to spend a considerable sum on the renovation – it was born in 1986.
              within no time of my getting there the pakkichi announced itself by a shriek and was followed by its father. I am having second thoughts about the renovation. long back in 1996 I had got some major work done to the bike from a reputed work shop. the estimate given was five thousand but in the end I had to shell out an exorbitant twelve thousand; and remember it was fifteen years back. they cannot say no to the indian pakkichi.
              there is a joint where now a days I regularly take tender coconut water. today in spite of my repeated requests the fellow did not bother to serve me – he is “not interested” in selling his ware to me.
              there is another place in the east fort where I now a days purchase dairy products; this fellow, luckily, did not say “not interested” - gudd.
            I got into a bus to mula mooku via mullasseri. towards the end of the journey the bus gradually emptys for there is just one more stop to the place where it terminates. from just behind me two gentlemen were loudly discussing how he had beaten up some one who was being held tight by some body and kicked him and all that . I miss my iPod very badly for it is extremely handy when I am making a trip by the public transport. you push the ear buds in and the speaches by the great men who form the majority of the co-passengers can be wished away just like that. normally when you hear such great men describing their adventures you are supposed to turn around and have a good look at this person and admire him. but I being not normal and not very intelligent did not bother and when my stop came I got down through the front door there by avoiding noticing this person at all.
            back home I brewed a cup of tea and had it along with the left over uppuma of the morning - I make very good uppuma. I have perfected the technique gradually and relish the dish very much. I say you must try nirapara's uppuma rava; their matta aval is also damn good.
                  after that as usual with me now a days I went to bed with the time magazine and the radio tuned to vividh bharathi and soon fell asleep.
                got up at 0030 hrs ist for the radio was still blaring some thing from an adjacent station ( vividh bharathi tvm winds up at 2300 hrs ist ) and I woke up just in time to have a bath in the borewell water which I do not heat now a days for coming from 250 ft down the earth it is of a comfortable temperature - that is till the ambient night temp cools it down.
            I cooked my meal of rice gruel ( kanji ) and tapioca ( kappa – just ten rupees for half kg and it lasts me four days ) and am at the puter jotting down the things and doing my accounting.
          I have a white board at home now a days and before I leave the house ( I mean the shack ) I leave a message with interesting illustrations there in case some one wants to look up. could that be the reason for the gentlemen getting very angry ? I wonder.
           last night also after coming back from perurkada where I had gone to make some essential purchases I had gone to bed and unlike today I did not get up in the midnight but slept all through for I had my meal before hitting the bed. the intersting thing was all through the night I was dreaming; at least that was what I felt. and the dreams were of a funny type what I feel you would get after taking drugs – the psychedelic ones ?
                I was woken up some time in the morning ( must be around 0430hrs ist or so ) due to some noise and I thought some one was trying the door. soon there was lights beeing flashed through the ventilation holes. I kept mum and waited but nothing happened and then I got up and opened the door. the rubber tapper in the next compound was moving around with his headlight.
GMT 09:37:10 PM
          I am going to try upload this to my blog now. incidentally during the beginning of the weak for a couple of days there were no disruptions in the adsl led of my net connection. later it reappeared. another feature of those days was that the tic tac of the UPS, the uninterrupted power supply was not heard during those days and now it has started again. now let us see what is in store today. by the way I have reinstalled google chrome which had been completely compromised.
         and here are some pictures of a folder that had appeared on my usb stick which I was using to take my files to a shops in trivandrum to get them printed. 

what is all that ?
09/26/12 GMT 09:45:18 PM

Saturday, September 22, 2012


20120922_gmt2045 : that is exactly the time now; what you see below was made on the day that is inserted by my word processor automatically.

i am doing the web pages rather very haphazardly now a days - for one thing i am sick and tired. also  i am not at all sure whether i will be able to put them on the net at all. today for once i had a smooth run till now 2049 hrs gmt and i have been connected for the last 34 mnts that is really some thing special.

i am keeping on postponing the more important works i have to do as well for reasons which  i cannot help.  i know i have to hurry and am going to make a desperate attempt in the next couple of weeks to finalise things
09/21/12 07:06:37 PM GMT

                                                       we go back in time to 9/19 night.
I was trying to get on to the net and the pimps wanted to come along  -there was a see saw struggle and ultimately I gave it up and decided to try my wireless internet.
I opened my steel almirah ( I do not know the english equivalent but there is a picture for you to see what it is ) 

a godrej mini storewell, then opened the locker inside it..

the locker is rather small and one cannot see the inside. and I did exactly what I do when I am looking for something inside the locker; pushed my arm in and started feeling the innards of the locker with my hand.
within seconds ( it was so obvious that ) I hit on something with its edge caught in the small gap between the flooring and side wall of the locker and I pulled it out. it was a small leather case with my bank locker key inside. 

this key had gone missing a few months back and I have paid the bank 4500 rupees as damages in order to get it forced open

 – that was after waiting for three or four months.

in the mean time I had turned every thing inside my small house upside down looking for it as I was certain I had not taken it out of the house. I could find it no where. 
the bank was charging Rs.4500/- for a replacement and for me it was an exorbitant sum and I was hoping against hope ( for I am aware that things that go into the black-hole do not come back ) that I might it find it somewhere in the house.

during those months I had searched every nook and corner of the house and every thing else like boxes and suitcases etc. it was during this period that I got my bed room cemented. every thing was taken out and searched before being replaced. the key was no where to be found.
the godrej almirah was given special attention especially the locker for that was where I routinely keep my valuables including the important keys as well as things like the internet modem and that was why I dived into the locker to look up the modem. the bank locker key was not there till recently.
for one thing, it was impossible to have missed it in the position it was in when I found it on 9/19 night. I invariably use the my palpatory method for looking for anything inside the locker. if it is a credit card or some such thing it could be possible that I could have missed it; but the key was inside a three layer leather pouch and in the picture you can see the protrusion that the key inside was producing and it was not at all likely to have escaped notice.

I am not a person of regular habits and in those three or four months I must have looked for something or other inside the locker “n” number of times. and if it has been there it could not have been missed even when I am looking for something else because of its peculiarities.

as is said earlier there is nothing much I can do about it - I know of no medicine that can cure rabies; neither human or canine.

the present strategy is to deprive me of any money that I have by hook or crook. and the charges for loosing the bank locker key had sky rocketed recently from around one thousand rupees or so to rs. 4500/- and that was the monthly pension and sole income that I was getting till recently.

Incidentally I had “lost” my locker key once in the past and that was in the early noughties when all sorts of interesting things like fake enquiries and the notorious “bleeding episode” and such things happened.- that was subsequent to my complaint to the “human rights” commission !

the present situation is not any better.
yesterday I had telephoned a reputed shop in thiruvananthapuram to enquire about a transistor radio. the couple of sets I have ( in fact I have three ) had all been damaged very badly – it was all because of my carelessness I admit. so I desperately needed one for radio is the only communication link I have with the outside world now a days.
when I reached the shop in the evening I found that as expected a reception had been arranged for me - some of the intelligentsia was so keen they were even rushing me. ( I had been a regular customer of this shopping chain since 1993; but one word from the member of the indian peypatti service will turn the table against you. of course times have changed since and the purchases have dropped sharply since my retirement.) so rather than buy from there i left within minutes.
I decided to go back to an electrical shop which I had visited on my way to this particular shop. this time the sales man there cooly told me that “they are not interested in selling radios”. the exact words used by mr. keechakan in a different situation - the directions are coming from the same source. 
incidentally I do not practice homeopathy;
in fact I have an aversion to it.  
this is the situation when I am supposed to be free; just imagine what all things I will have to put up with once the eeeMan's of the pakkichi branch “pock” me! ( pock is malayalam equivalent for police man picking you up.   eeeMan means master like in dog and its master - that is how we ordinary mortals are expected to address and treat even the lowest ranking police man in this country)
so I went back to the earlier shop and brought one of the type they had - I am glad it happened that way for this one was a better set by any standards and the price difference was hardly any.

 i liked the set for its cute design and by the way this one has a small led torch on it ! that is the first time i have seen a radio with a torch light. and i have since started listening to the bbc radio for the sets that i had with me did not catch bbc what with the band width being completely taken over by chinese radio broadcasting loud and clear ! 20120922 gmt 1500hrs
it was during this second visit that I realised that people were prowling around this particular shop initially in order to meet me as if by accident – they just happened to be there in that shop. the plan did not work out for I did not remain there in the shop long enough for the intelligentsia to execute the plan. 
And by the time I reached there the second time, only the skeletal staff were there and the main actors of the drama had gone back ( to the hospital to make more money ) – my returning to the same shop was unexpected. 
“gentleman”, if you have anything to convey to me put it in writing along with supporting documents. Telephonic or oral communications will not be taken cognizance of; basic reason being that I have no faith in the integrity of your creed. if tomorrow you claim that you never said whatever you told me, there is no way I can disprove it. 
I NEED HARD PROOF and that is why I am stalling my action plan – just in case!.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


09/15/12  03:08:23 PM GMT

         I am “connected” to the net for quite some time now I have been keeping a watch on the modem to see whether the adsl led has disappeared. 

           but for more than half an hour now nothing of the sort happened and I am still connected.  the adsl light cutting off when I try to save a page or upload to picasa is not happening.  
           at least there is nothing abnormal that is obvious  to me happening on the net connection and every thing appears smooth. 

how come? I wonder!
where is the catch ?

for one thing in am using an outmoded verstion of firefox
could that be it ?

and i have made an effort to remove chrome which i find has been tampered with badly
is that it ?

09/15/12  04:25:47 PM GMT

    well some time back the thing that was to happen happened – the adsl got cut off and I in turn powered off the modem. enough time has been given to the pimp and I am trying to log on again.
    so if at all anything is coming on the net it is the version tampered with by the indian pimp service and that way I am devolved of all legal responsibility for what is coming on the net.
    hardly any editing is allowed from my side and that is why the strange appearance – the color, the fonts etc.

09/15/12  10:32:58 AM GMT

    yesterday, 20120914 I had been to trivandrum city and. for once I made the trip in my small car – I have not taken it out for the last one month or so as an austerity measure and has been making all the trips by public transport.

      Later in the evening had coffee in the indian coffee house.  Most of the time I go their to relieve myself  for they have a toilet that is not very dirty and the coffee is just a pretext for getting inside.
        I used the toilet and had a cup of coffee and a slice of fried banana. Later when I was paying the bill I found that the waiter had presented me with the bill for two people. I told him that I have been given the wrong bill and he magnanimously pulled out the bill meant for me from his pocket; that is he did not insist on me paying for two. that is what is magnanimous of him for in my present day circumstances you can say or do anything to me and get away with it.

    this was not an accident; a similar incident had happened some time in the recent past as well.

    the fact of the matter is that when you have been provided “F” grade “security” by the indian police you are supposed to look after the “security” personnel. 

      When you eat they also have to eat as part of the duty; when you buy some thing from the shop they can also buy things as part of the duty and they can take home the things and so on .

       they are “protecting” you, you see. these are all special  perks the “security” personnel are supposed to enjoy - they are highly trained crooks.  

       that way, it does not matter much whether i do pay the bill or not;  they  can send the bill to my “relative”? 

       but   why should the relatives pay? 

        good question; It is like the fly you attach to a fishing hook.

      incidentally I have clearly written in my pension documents that there is no eligible family pensioner in my case; and that is what is shown in the initial pension payment orders of the AG.

      Recently i found that amongst many other of my personal data in the pension papers that has been manipulated recently was the matter of the family pension as well. 

      This time the AG has calculated family pension and entered it in the revised pension payment order. The name of the family pensioner is not given, probably for “security” reasons. 

    So, the spade work is being done. I just have to die and the relative can fill in her  name and collect the money as well as enjoy the pension for next seven years.  

           It all  amounts to a piddly sum; but then you are getting it for free and it is not exactly going to hurt your pocket. she of course will have to give a percentage to the “guardian” who has recently taken over the post.

        So, that is why “relatives”  are appearing in the distant horizon circling round; like vultures that have spotted a wounded animal, they are after carrion. 

    The pity is that the bugger ( that is me Yaaaar... )  is not conking off  and has till now foiled all the predictions of the local kaniyan ! what a pity. tell you what ? at 21 the prediction was that i was supposed to live up to 27 only – the pathetic looks my father's friend MN was giving me after they came back from the kaniyan said it all - he was told but they didnt disclose it to the first degree relative. 
*  *  *
    the telephone wire has been revamped.

from july 2012 on they had been telling me that they are going to do it in two days time and for two months nothing happened. 

         the fact of the matter is that for every minor thing happening as far as I am concerned every body has to get the concurrence from the peypatti branch at pattom thiruvananthapuram.

          the peypatti branch is not the ones who dictate terms;  they are just the hatchet men of the “ officer “ police; the “ officer “ police do not want to disclose their identity for things are not working well and they are afraid they might get caught. hence the via media of the  P branch.  

       A break in into my personal domain by the hired thugs with the blessings of my present “guardian” has been arranged but it did not materialise as expected and so ultimately  even the thiruvananthapuram elecom could not hold it back and  the wiring was changed. 

     what the goons are going to do to me is  "atichirakkal"   the terminology is familiar to me for they were going to do it at the house in srikaryam as well. 

               all the response i am supposed to make is to cry out “ammena kananam”  when the goons are "atichirakking' me. when the goons are going to  "atichirakk"  me where is the point changing the wiring? it is going to be a waste.

                    similarly where is the point giving me a new exservice identity card?  the peypatti branch is going to finish me off in just a weeks time.

                  where is the point revising my pension ? the indian pimp service is going to take care of me this wednes day?

                    where is the point getting a key to my bank locker  when the peypatti branch  has got the ( so called lost ) key with them and will hand over it to my "guardian"  on sunday when he comes to take me "home" ? ( the key has been taken away by the pakkichi police as a security measure)

             where is the point constructing the house when the pakkichi along with the local rajav has decided that it is not required ?

    now one word of caution.
     I am very much aware of my mortality.  That does not bother me; my cool composure at critical moments had surprised even me.

                                                still I am worried about one thing. 
      i am an ordinary mortal and not a saint. I am afraid, rather than keeping mum in spite of all those funny “gestapo” gestures and all  other forms of insults being showered on me  by you as is my usual wont, for once at an unguarded moment,  I might loose my cool and crack your skull.

i would want to avoid doing THAT;
  that is if you have no objection

*  *  *
PPS:- :incidentally there is an OFC terminal of the nedumangad bsnl as close as one kilometer from my locality at venkode which can easily be extended to this place ( the one km is where I have noticed it kind courtesy that plaque marking the cable; it could be closer than that even) and I am going to bring this matter to the attention of the higher ups. in fact that day they had changed the wiring I had just boasted to the line man that I will get OFC over here; that was just for the heck of it and I was not aware of the presence of the ofc at such close range

Tuesday, September 11, 2012



09/11/12 12:05:41 PM GMT

i got "connected" to the net "logged on" to blogger after giving my username and password and started this blog page.

Uploaded the pictures you see below arranged them and just as i was going to click the publish button the adsl light went off.

as far as my computer is concerned it is under an illusion that it is still connected to the net. well it is not.

the blogger came back with the message there is a problem - ditto as in the previous blog.

i switched off the modem and then switched off the computer as well - just pulled out the power cord.

after some time i switched on the puter and the modem and then tried to log in. not allowed - work still going on.

later i tried again and i was allowed. and as i opened the firefox the web page with the editing going on opened up.

rather than do anything on that page I oepned another firefox window and looked up the current published page on this particular blog and it showed the previous page the one dated september 09.

I did not bother to publish the current one shown in the edit page and rather than press the publish button i logged out. 
The blogger after logging me out of the account from the edit page directed me as is its usual wont to the blog.

And the blog was showing the 20120911 page as the latest; I mean the one I had left unpublished. when I opened the new window on firefox it was not published and after that I have just logged out of blogger and did not bother to publish it.

I did not publish it; then who did it ? any idea!

Rest assured there is no problem with the telephone line or the system. the problem is with the people who are given administrator rights over the computer system of the server.

The fact of the matter is that there is an incestuous bastard on line with me on the same page doing the tampering. and the govt of this country is paying this person for the “intelligence”!

There is nothing I can do about it – I do not know of any medicine that cures rabies, neither human nor canine.

the day in pictures

any way have a look at the pictures; that is if at all it is visible to the outside world. i will not be surprised if it is existing on my computer and the indian gestapo's black hole only. the time this time the cam shows is IST

you see the gestapo and his pimps can break in and have a look at my private domain when i am not there. every body else cannot and they have to depend on what the pimps tell them.

So why not put things in the public domain and let every body watch. that is why all sorts of pictures are coming on the net; well at least i am making an effort to put them on the net .  

cloisterThe rosy is lavishing me with her flowers.

Rosy's flowers beautifying my bed room. 

life inside my shack

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012


 "there is a problem" blogger tells me repeatedly as i try to publish/update this.

I agree, there is a problem; 
there is an Incestuous Bastard (IB for short) 
on the same page along with me 

PHONE No.472-2802028 CUSTOMER ID:4013847942

1. this is regarding the happenings on my home telephone  No.472-2802028 of the nedumangad bsnl of thiruvananthapuram telecom.


2. I received the bill no.208666817 dated 06/06/12 for may 2012 of my above telephone No.472-2802028 some time in june 2012 

incidentally that was one of the very rare occasions that I received a copy of the monthly bill by post. otherwise I was routinely collecting my bill from the accounts officer CTO tvm in person. 

the bill boldly says that as a “dear ecs customer” of thiruvananthapuram telecom the bill is for my information only and the payment will be received from my bank account.

3. however in mid july 2012 I started getting a message from telephone No.472-2802028 that the services on the phone has been stopped due to “NON PAYMENT OF BILL”.

i made enquiries at the bank and got a reply in writing that the above bill was never sent to them by the thiruvananthpuram telecom.

4. After ensuring that there was no problem from my side or the bank I ignored this message from the tvm telecom with the due contempt it deserves and chose to do nothing about it. 

In spite of this when I tried the telephone again on august 01, 2012 I found that the services had been restored!

I would like to highlight the following points  in this regard:

5. my bills for the above land line phone were being paid by ECS from december 2011 onwards. as far as my information goes, and from what I learned from my long experience with the ECS system, once a customer is included in the ECS list his bill will automatically go to the bankers for it is a system generated list.

6. if that is so, the one and only reason for the bill for may not reaching my bankers is that the ECS list has been tampered with by some one, a some one who has got administrative rights over the computer system of thiruvananthapuram taelecom. and that is AN ACT OF COMMISSION, and not omission.

7. Again, it should be obvious from the bill to any one that I am an ecs customer, and the sensible thing would have been to ensure that the telecom's side is clear before pulling the plug on the customer. But thiruvananthapuram telecom was in an unseemly hurry to cut off the line. this knee jerk reaction, ( an exaggerated knee jerk for the higher head quarters has lost control and the ghutna was acting on its own ) was completely UNWARRANTED. 

what has happened was that the ecs bill was not sent to the bankers on purpose and then the line was cut off on the pretext of non-payment of the bill. they just wanted to cut off the line one way or the other - orders from indian pimp service probably

8. whether the culprit has done it with malafide intentions or it was due to thiruvananthapuram telecom's inherent incomepetence is a moot point; but my previous experience points to the former.

9. in fact, even otherwise, my telephone line was mostly non-functional especially so, from late june to almost the middle of july. the bill for the month of july speaks volumes – the total number of calls made is 25 and the total download comes to 41 MB in four hours – GREAT! Copy of a couple of letters I had the occasion to write to the concerned authorities in july 2012 are enclosed herewith.

10. it looks some one operating from within thiruvananthapuram telecom set up has taken the contract for disrupting the services on my telephone and the “gentleman” believes in “the end justifying the means”.


11. I am enclosing copies of a few pictures of the external wiring of my home telephone. the wiring consisting of ordinary telephone wire is in tatters. 

the three joints was when the pictures were taken.
now there are four

Stretching over two electric posts and one old telephone pole over a distance of seventy meters, it is not able to take the strain and has been breaking off at places. there are four joints already and the first one of these open joints is at a height of three feet from the ground ( and this telephone is supposed to have an isd facility).

12. the only solution is laying underground cable which the thiruvananthpuram telecom is adamently refusing to do.

13. with the repeated breaking off and then joining up, now there is just enough wire to reach my house – one more break and repair (which mostly I myself do) and I will be forced to keep the phone outside the house.

14. I tried to book a complaint through your automated complaint booking system on 18/8/12 – I was not being allowed on one pretext or other.

yours faithfully
1.copies of letters 2 ( vide para 9)
2.photocopy of pictures 3 ( vide para 11)


P.S. as far as my information goes my telephone must have been cut off from july 15, 2012 and I came to know that it is functioning on august 01, 2012 only - could be after the next bill was paid.

interestingly in the bill no.225944732 for july 2012 I have been charged for the duration the telephone has been cut off on false pretexts.

am I supposed to pay when the bungling was from the part of thiruvananthapuram telecom ?

don't you think it is the “gentleman” of thiruvananthapuram telecom who is to be penalised, and not me?

                                                                              *  *  *

PS. as i am trying to load this blog on to the net the adsl light is getting switched off at critical moments like say for example when i click update or publish or when i am trying to up load a picture like the one of the tele wire. i do not know exactly where the blog is ending up. but as i said earlier at the moment i dont have any way of clarifying and i am biding my time in the hope i will live long enough to see these members of the indian pimp service in person in my own territory.

the interesting thing is that the connection is not disrupted even when the adsl light is OFF. only thing is that there is no progress

as i was uploading the pictures the adsl went off and then came back and then i was able to continue on this page and the pictures "got up loaded". my hunch is that the connection is routed through  the black hole of the indian gestapo's mother.
added 20120821 IST 0810

this is not the usual time for me to get on to the net and it is very likely that the indian pimp was caught off guard and that was why i was having a cooler time. now there is repeated disruptions the adsl going off and on at will and me "still connected to the net'.
is not it ridiculous the extent to which the indian pimps are going  to harass a simple human being. 

that is the so called  "largest democracy in the world" for you

later i logged on to picasa web and uploaded  a close up of my penis ( with a condom on ) onto the picasa album. i have been cut off again and am typing in this off line 
now it is 1930 hrs over here and it is 21 aug 2012 .