Saturday, April 9, 2016


04/09/16 GMT03:03:55 PM

       I have been granted special leave to appeal against the decision of the High Court of Kerala at Ernakulam in their OP (C) No.1819 of 2014.

       you can find this impugned judgement on the net at this web address. Looking at it in isolation it looks sober; but I can assure you it is fatally flawed.

      I have not touched the real delicate points in the SLP – I was playing it safe.

      Now that the SLP has been converted into an Appeal Civil thanks to the kindness of the apex court ( I really mean it and am not just using formal language ) I have this chance to file a statement of case where I can put things in the proper perspective and tear away the facade.

     People are real worried - I can feel their pulse and I see signs of desperation; they are going to cut a very sorry figure indeed !
        The only way out for them is to see that I am not there to present the case and desperate attempts are on to neutralize me one way or the other. And the easiest way in my case is to recruit a “relative” !

       ( incidentally google was telling me that my location is chennai – my pass word has been changed from chennai ! I am not at all surprised.
                       What else is happening;    Taking screen shots ?
              while I pass through chennai en route new delhi, very frequently  now a days, I have to spend 12 hours on the platform waiting for the connecting train; and I did notice  highly intelligent teenagers discussing all sorts of great things sitting behind me. it is a ruddy disgrace – if you want to get noticed try streaking.
                People on the look out for property at throw away price had gone back empty handed after they saw me present in my shack when they had come to make the purchase. I was not expected to be back from my last delhi trip that early.    It is very much possible that when I come back from my next trip – I am scheduled to leave on 20160419 – my humble abode is already occupied by broiler chicken.
               People on casual visit are looking up my old four wheeler and assessing how cheap it is going to be.
              Enfield is in high demand and has already been “sold” out
              Now   what is it that you are interested in? pay a visit while i am not here - the pimps have duplicates of all my keys.  come and grab it before it is gone   )

        My real problem is my lazy self. even after all these days i have not started working on the statement of case all these days. 
      the problem is to get started;  once i do that I can finish it in a jiffy for I am thorough with the matter and have already planned every thing and have just got to put it in paper.

* * *

      By the way, my 4G mobile wiFi is still working ! After a very long interval I downloaded a few bbc podcsts and it was done in a matter of seconds. The device is basically meant for mobile phones and could be the speed of down loading is the real thing as far as this thing is concerned.

       I do not have a smart phone and am using it on my good old note book PC and I was not impressed by the browsing speed.