Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Sit_Rep 05/03/13 19:54:45 GMT

Continuing from where I had left yesterday: today I had been to trivandrum again for once I decide on doing something I will try my level best to attain my aim. It is very much possible that even using the latest browser is not going to improve my internet experience but now that I want to try the latest version of firefox I am determined on getting it; and in deed I got it .
To day I went to another internet kiosk, not the grand scale multimillion set up as the one of yesterday but a privately owned individual set up. The latest version of the mozilla firefox as well as the beta version was downloaded in just a few minutes. This time I ensured that I know where to look for once the file is downloaded and in deed created a folder and moved the .exe file to it.
Then I tried downloading some bbc podcasts. Altogether I could get 200 MB downloaded in the one hour for which I was charged 25 INR.
Then what happened yesterday ?
for an explanation.
PS. i am trying to access the net from a usb modem and it is rather expensive by my standards; so i am in a hurry. many mistakes mostly minor ones have crept in but i cannot afford to go back and correct it. formatting is also not to my satisfaction. i cannot help it.
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