Wednesday, September 26, 2012


09/26/12 08:48:50 PM GMT

      I am in my shack where I have made myself as comfortable as is possible under the circumstances. am gradually settling down and things have become a bit orderly, a place for every thing and every thing in its place.
       the opposite party is visibly upset. 
         I had been to trivandrum this afternoon as well. my first visit was to the public library. my library card has gone missing from this very room – rest assured I did not loose it. and I have got a new id card and now a days when I go in the alarm at the entrance is set off – the card is the rf id type and could be possible it has been manipulated this time to set off the alarm.
          my main purpose is to get the old copies of time magazine and for some time now there are no new ones available, this in spite of the fact that it is a weekly publication and I was coming back empty handed. today there was a new one but I would have missed it for it was skinned ( like the afghans did to the russian soldiers – do not tell anybody ). the trick did not work out and I picked it up.
          next visit was to the work shop. I have to get my bullet enfield, the man machine's registration renewed and will have to spend a considerable sum on the renovation – it was born in 1986.
              within no time of my getting there the pakkichi announced itself by a shriek and was followed by its father. I am having second thoughts about the renovation. long back in 1996 I had got some major work done to the bike from a reputed work shop. the estimate given was five thousand but in the end I had to shell out an exorbitant twelve thousand; and remember it was fifteen years back. they cannot say no to the indian pakkichi.
              there is a joint where now a days I regularly take tender coconut water. today in spite of my repeated requests the fellow did not bother to serve me – he is “not interested” in selling his ware to me.
              there is another place in the east fort where I now a days purchase dairy products; this fellow, luckily, did not say “not interested” - gudd.
            I got into a bus to mula mooku via mullasseri. towards the end of the journey the bus gradually emptys for there is just one more stop to the place where it terminates. from just behind me two gentlemen were loudly discussing how he had beaten up some one who was being held tight by some body and kicked him and all that . I miss my iPod very badly for it is extremely handy when I am making a trip by the public transport. you push the ear buds in and the speaches by the great men who form the majority of the co-passengers can be wished away just like that. normally when you hear such great men describing their adventures you are supposed to turn around and have a good look at this person and admire him. but I being not normal and not very intelligent did not bother and when my stop came I got down through the front door there by avoiding noticing this person at all.
            back home I brewed a cup of tea and had it along with the left over uppuma of the morning - I make very good uppuma. I have perfected the technique gradually and relish the dish very much. I say you must try nirapara's uppuma rava; their matta aval is also damn good.
                  after that as usual with me now a days I went to bed with the time magazine and the radio tuned to vividh bharathi and soon fell asleep.
                got up at 0030 hrs ist for the radio was still blaring some thing from an adjacent station ( vividh bharathi tvm winds up at 2300 hrs ist ) and I woke up just in time to have a bath in the borewell water which I do not heat now a days for coming from 250 ft down the earth it is of a comfortable temperature - that is till the ambient night temp cools it down.
            I cooked my meal of rice gruel ( kanji ) and tapioca ( kappa – just ten rupees for half kg and it lasts me four days ) and am at the puter jotting down the things and doing my accounting.
          I have a white board at home now a days and before I leave the house ( I mean the shack ) I leave a message with interesting illustrations there in case some one wants to look up. could that be the reason for the gentlemen getting very angry ? I wonder.
           last night also after coming back from perurkada where I had gone to make some essential purchases I had gone to bed and unlike today I did not get up in the midnight but slept all through for I had my meal before hitting the bed. the intersting thing was all through the night I was dreaming; at least that was what I felt. and the dreams were of a funny type what I feel you would get after taking drugs – the psychedelic ones ?
                I was woken up some time in the morning ( must be around 0430hrs ist or so ) due to some noise and I thought some one was trying the door. soon there was lights beeing flashed through the ventilation holes. I kept mum and waited but nothing happened and then I got up and opened the door. the rubber tapper in the next compound was moving around with his headlight.
GMT 09:37:10 PM
          I am going to try upload this to my blog now. incidentally during the beginning of the weak for a couple of days there were no disruptions in the adsl led of my net connection. later it reappeared. another feature of those days was that the tic tac of the UPS, the uninterrupted power supply was not heard during those days and now it has started again. now let us see what is in store today. by the way I have reinstalled google chrome which had been completely compromised.
         and here are some pictures of a folder that had appeared on my usb stick which I was using to take my files to a shops in trivandrum to get them printed. 

what is all that ?
09/26/12 GMT 09:45:18 PM