Friday, November 19, 2010


" chappar faadke "

there is a bit of duplication over here - you find
an almost identical page on aluva chapter.
sorry about that

From jyothi valayil

the above is a picture of the room adjacent to the kitchen of the house where i am staying now. you can see the cobwebs if you look carefully - i am a dirty old man and i do not keep the house clean.
there is something else you can see very clearly even without looking carefully - the rubble. or if you do not see what i see, here is a close up:

From jyothi valayil

how did the rubble come up there ? not exactly that the earth quaked;
the next picture will give the answer

From jyothi valayil

when the gods are pleased with you, rather than taking the trouble of bringing in the fortunes through the front door they just crack open the roof and showers it all in straight.

what you see in the third picture is a shot of the roof of the house above the place where the rubble is. the roof is cracking and the plaster is falling off. you can see the water seeping in and next time it rains i wont have a water problem.

that way i am in for luck - the gods have opened the roof; thank goodness they did not rain the diamonds on my head and injure me.

this is the state of affairs; i have to get out of this place at the earliest one way or the other. and my current priority is to get a place of my own - rest everything is secondary.

some time back i had telephoned a couple of people in trivandrum and they said they will try to help me out. so on that pretext, the lazy bum that i am, i was idling for the last couple of weeks.

as expected nothing has come up and so i am going to go at it with renewed vigour. i have a ticket reserved in the morning train on 23 to trivandrum and am going to make a desperate attempt to get hold of a piece of land
* * *

PPS. it is past midnight 19-20 november 2010 and since around 2300 hrs the voltage has dipped drastically over here. i am using my netbook and the storage battery is supporting the adsl modem and so i am still connected to the net and going strong. but it is not going to last long and so i cannot have a go at a full blog and am cutting things short.

one of the possibilities is that the spies are out celebrating the week end spending the unaccounted money collected during the week and there is no one to "look after" my net connection. the alternative is fiddling with electricity and could be that is what is happening.

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