Sunday, March 3, 2013


03/02/13_06:48:41 GMT
Right at the moment I am at my puter, on batteries – the power supply was being cut off time and again and this time it has been an hour or so. Interestingly the voltage over here now a days is mostly at 230 a tremendous improvement over the 70 to 130 volts that I used to get initially immediately on my arrival at this place! And I am worried – under indian circumstances manuafacturers of mechanical equipments and all customize their equipments to work at around 180 volts for that is the maximum voltage one can get under normal circumstances and I used to wonder whether my water pump is going to be damaged by the present 230 volts. One of the problems with this sort of disruption is that my washing machine is repeating the cycle for the nth time – it has got only a volatile memory. I had switched it on immediately on my getting up at 0930IST and it is still at it.
My sole access to the outside world is my transistor radio and I am reminded of the situation I was in in the early nineteen-eighties. There was a mishap, a train ran over the people collected on the rail track to watch the temple gate fire works in tellicherry my birth place. I got the information from mark tully's broadcasting on the bbc on my transistor radio.
My telephone +91 472 2802028 has been dead since 16 feb 2013. there is a road construction work going on and the underground part of the cable is being damaged and it could be that they wont repair it till the construction is over. It does not make much of a difference for the telephone and internet are there in name only.
That way things are improving over here – instead of the literally backbreaking mud road there is going to be a tarred road from one hundred meters of my house onwards; piped drinking water supply has already fetched up and the electricity voltage problem is no more there. And So: desperate efforts are on to get me chucked out of this place; some are eager to buy my property at a throw away price others are acting out of sheer malice and so on.
Petty Thieving and Tampering
is continuing; the most recent thing to go missing is my wrist watch. It is one of the cheapest – most watch straps are costlier than this watch of mine and the principle I feel is bhagne vale chorr ki langot he sahi. But it is a cute one and keeps excellent time and I preferred it to my other watch with day and date and such thing and which is five times costlier.
Some time before that a couple of kitchen knives that I remember quite well I had left on a rack on the wall had also disappeared; and they never come back.
Another thing I noticed was that the jam that I had kept in its bottle in the fridge was getting consumed. I cannot bring myself to help myself from the left over of the indian pimp; so I have stopped buying jam altogether.
Some time back I found that most of the bottles of a case of beer I had purchased from the canteen and kept inside my shack had gone flat. I never had such an experience ever in the past; obviously there had been a meddling.
Another interesting incident was that about six months back. one member of all the pairs of socks I had went missing - I had more than ten pairs. I purchased four new pairs – that is adequate for I am sitting at home most of the time now a days and at home I wear only slippers. I am sure this “gentleman” had heard the story of the japanese workers of a shoe manufacturing company going on strike and rather than stop work altogether just made one only of a pair. Incidentally I had two pairs of an identical pattern and there again the “intelligent” had taken away one of the pair and so had left one matching pair behind which I could use !
Yesterday in the day time I was trying to do a bit of work on my desktop – I have refurbished my xp-system with a new intel DH61SA main board. while I was preparing a document the power supply got cut off and the from the sky the aero-plane dropped down like a stone on to the ground. I thought it could be that I had disturbed the cable coming from the UPS.
But last night again it happened. I was playing a message movie ( I am aware of the fact that it could be my desk top is being taken over monitored and so once in a while I play these “message movie” - I had made two in the last couple of days and it has been net casted.) Immediately a crotch shot came up all on a sudden, the mouse pointer and the whole screen got pasted and the computer rebooted on its own. So it is not that I had disrupted the power supply accidentally.
If they have installed hardware on the mother board ( as is very much possible for it can be easily managed when they break in while I am not at home for reasons of “security” with the connivance of the obliging local gentry ) there is nothing I can do about it. All the same hoping for the best I have cleaned up the BIOS and am going to try it out again some time later.
Earlier I had found that I was not being allowed to access the net from that puter I mean my desktop DH61SA. So some thing had to be done drastically about it and the new development could be the effort in that direction.
Now that the adsl is physically not there with the phone line cut off I am dependant completely on my reliance net connect. Incidentally now a days that is also misbehaving – the first time I log on the connection gets cut off immediately and I have to do it a second time. And this time probably I am routed through the Indian gestapo's mother's anus – there is no way I can verify the fact what with all the new fast track courts and all!
For once after a long interval with my Enfield bullet doing a good job ( and around 30kms / per litre ) I do not use public transport any more. And the only place where the indian pimps and their subcontractors can come close to me is the shops where I go for I have to get provisions.
Procuring provisions is a problem
Please do not be surprised if one of these days you find me facing charges of shoplifting; the whole so called security staff of the retail outlets have been primed and at the moment they have just stopped short of frisking me. So, I rotate between the various outlets and that way avoid an outlet once it has been monopolised by the pimps and go to some other place.
that way now a days I avoid perurkada while driving back and come via pattom there by motoring an extra four kms; but I enjoy the ride – it is a pleasure roaring along full throttle on my Enfield bullet on the national highway. And there is a bonus - I can get fresh milk from the dairy's sales outlet at pattom; it helps for I can keep the milk in cold storage for almost a week without getting spoiled. And that way it is a saving for I have to make a trip to thiruvananthapuram once in a week only.
Trying to make both ends meet
And I have been trying to cut down on my expenses. I no more buy fish for that is a luxury that I can ill-afford; even the small fish netholi that I buy mostly has become damn costly. That way I find that the best buy as far as nutritional value is concerned are eggs – kind courtesy the tamilians for almost all the eggs and poultry come to this place from tamilnadu and that along with milk has become my staple food.
The biggest chunk of my monthly expense is being spent on transportation and I am making a drastic effort to cut down on fuel – in feb 2013 petite lily went out only just once!
10:54:53 AM Gmt; and there is the chime of my whirlpool thing. After all those efforts since morning ultimately it has finished the washing job. It is already evening here but I think if I put my clothes on the line right now I can get it dry by dusk.
03/03/13 GMT 04:37:52 AM: I will be making an effort to upload this from whatever the type of connection available and I intend to put things on the net – it may or may not reach the wide world but it sure is going to reach the indian pimp and their subcontractors and that is more than enough. Only text and no pictures for graphics will be too much of an ask for my USB modem.