Saturday, April 10, 2010

sitrep_20100410_1600 gmt


Are you interested in having a look at the inside of the house where the mad man ( imbecile/”budhiyilla”/ the maniac ) stays ?

You are an “intelligent” person and you have a prurient curiosity, no ?

Well; I am very particular about my privacy and I will NOT let you in, except perphaps with a judicial warrant – that is under normal circumstances.

But right at the moment things are different; it is not that I have opened the house for the public and am planning to collect entry fee and live on that.

The house is for sale and, the owner of the house and three strangers - two men and a woman, supposed to be interested in buying the house were here this evening and had a conducted tour of the house ( where a bachelor male is staying alone) including my bedroom, toilet, kitchen and all, while i, the poor tenant, politely waited outside, of my own accord (but before that i had ensured that one of the used up condoms with the contents tied into a knot is not hanging on the clothes line as happens many a time; however there was nothing i could do about the "prayer room" which i am using as a small bar and wherein i had the reserve stock of alcohol and rubber inside the enclosure meant for the idol ).

You also can invite yourself; just tell the owner that you intend to purchase the house and would like to have a look.

After you finished “looking” or later on you can say that the price does not suit you or some such excuse and get out of it.

So how about it ?

last modified 20100411_1507gmt


viceman verses

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