Thursday, September 26, 2013


09/26/13 GMT 01:08:59 AM: -
now a days I am allowed to access the net; whether whatever I am uploading is reaching the net or is restricted to the intranet is a moot point. I am not bothered about that aspect for the time being at least.
The adsl once I switch it on take a long time to light up - the wake up on lan is not very effective. Whichever way it is I have again started wasting time on the net.

now here is a copy of a request for information i had sent to a govt. agency in 2012

under right to information act 2005

the central public information officer / director
intelligence bureau (IB)
Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India
North Block, New Delhi-110 001

1. name of the applicant : cheriyath jyothi

2. address : mithilam, povankonam, chemapzhanthi P.O.,
thiruvananthapuram – 695587.

3. particulars of information required :

a. I would want to know whether there are any personnel belonging to your bureau, as your regular employees or their paid informers, put on duty specifically on me, whatever be the pretext for doing so.
b. In case your answer is in the affirmative I would want detailed information like:
i) at whose behest is this activity being carried out ?
if this person happens to be a private citizen, is that person being made to pay for the “services” rendered ?
and if so, the exact amounts paid that way.
ii) What are the liberties these “security” personnel are allowed in my personal domain? For example does their duties include intercepting, examining and censoring communications, postal as well as electronic, to and fro; breaking in to my house in my absence and searching my things in the name of security?
iii) What are the additional perks that personnel of your establishment put on the above sort of duties eligible for ? Like say for example free meals, purchases made while trailing the party reimbursed, free accommodation!

4. year to which information pertains: from may 1995 till date.

5. other relevant reference if any :
a. I have plain clothes men trailing and harassing me and these members of the spy networks of the government are trampling on my life and liberties. I have no idea as to their whereabouts and am keen on knowing their origins. It could be possible that these are renegade members of your establishment and hence this application.
your attention is invited to the fact that the immunity granted to your organization under section 24. ( 1 ) of the RTI 2005 is not relevant in the context of my above request as the matter pertains to violations of my basic human rights by members of the security agencies of the government.
b. My name is usually written in full as cheriyath jyothi but it could be possible that your records show my name as c. jyothi or even jyothi c.
c. I have been living in various rented houses in and around thiruvananthpurm city since may 1995.
6. application fee
a. fee paid : Rs. 10/- ( rupees ten only)
b. mode of payment : Indian postal order

place : Thiruvananthapuram - 695587

date : 19 January 2010.

( c. jyothi )    

please click on the link below to find out what happened then

watch this slide show

01:20:56 AM And yes peppatti is onLine and active – as I was typing this in the adsl light went off and it is not getting lit up. Most likely the line is in use and the anal PIMP is corrupting the page I have made.             
Look at it: ettam classum, alla potte patham classsum or even a third class good for nothing degreeyum, gusthiyum padicha oru pottan policekaran is dictating terms to me!