Sunday, September 22, 2013


2135 hrs GMT 09/20/13
today in the evening I took a long walk – four +four = eight kilometers to nedumangad the small town adjacent in the opposite direction to trivandrum and back. It is a long time since I had one of those familiar long distance walks of olden times and every one of my leg muscles are aching.
All the same I felt refreshed after tea and snacks.and a bath – cold water for now, but soon I will have running hot water. I was running errands and did make a few purchases – it is months since I had been to nedumangad.
now a days I go out only when the trip becomes essential like for example of 
yesterday's trip to thiruvananthapuram 
– I had exhausted some essential food items and perforce had to replenish the stocks. The cut down is partly as economy measure ( gasoline here is eighty indian rupees per litre – when I first brought my enfield bullet in 1986 it was selling at less than seven indian rupees.) and partly to save time and coax me to do some useful work.
before starting off to trivandrum, I had made a few calls from my phone and I am sure there were receptions arranged at many places and the receptionists were in for disappointment for I never visited a number of places I was expected to visit.
On noticeable factor was that there was utter panic all around. I am not at all surprised. The fact of the matter is that I am closing in from all directions.

An interesting instance was the lok adalath. I kept my mouth tightly shut in the face of the torrent from the opposite party's lawyer. Ultimately the member of the adalath had to caution the opposite party that she is not supposed to use unparliamentary language in the adalath ( even when it is directed at jyothi ? Really ? ) The other member of the lok adalath, a lady, was looking at me quzzically – I just returned the smile.
Finding an obliging audience in the madam, the opposite party opened up and within no time the cat was out of the bag; and I got a decision completely in my favour.
The lok adalath is a give and take affair and I was ready to make some concessions. But thanks to the outburst from the other side I did not have to give in any thing at all
Ultimately when the opposite party asked for two months time to comply with the decision that was granted.
On second thoughts they changed their mind and asked for three months time and there again, I agreed.
If you think you can get rid of me “otherwise” in three months' time, you are welcome to do so; I am game.
It is just a question of enforcing law; but no! Some people have no legal rights.

The claim that my complaint about the builders was not maintainable was a boner – or shall I say a “no-boner” ?
The learned lawyer of the opposite party in his eminent wisdom had quoted a decision by the national commission in the  nonMaintainability plea which goes like this :- “in the absence of any written agreement/contract mere filing of affidavit ipso facto without corroborative and other supportive material would not constitute sufficient evidence.”

When the matter was heard this illiterate imbecile, that is me, just turned the above ruling back on to the learned lawyer.
You see, a direct corollary of the above ruling is that corroborative and other supportive material will do in the absence of a written agreement / contract! - the logic should be obvious to any student of IV form B of LBC, MHE ( B means your second language is malayalam, you are in A division if your second language is hindi; but if you have chosen french you can be either in A or B – you alternate every year) but not to everybody else!
The opposite party was flat on the mat with a heavy thud !

See if their lawyer had just said that there was no written agreement and the case is not viable and left it at that I would have been in trouble – I will have to produce evidence to contradict that. And where can I, a nincompoop who's communication systems are under the control of the silliest member of the spy networks or even their stooges get access to the decisions of the national commission and such.
So, I must thank the learned lawyer for the help - though unintentional. And I shall try to return the favour like say for example when I sue his clients for criminal breach of trust he can take up that case as well.
the movie has not yet started ;

Many people got implicated for no rhyme or reason
and every one of them, for one reason or other,
is eagerly awaiting their

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