Monday, April 5, 2010


SITREP 20100405

20100405 : it is evening time over here now – past 1630 .

I got up rather early - by 0700 hrs - and during the morning hours was pleasuring myself. you do not have any thing else to do other than all those terribly boring household chores and so ultimately one finds solace playing with your basal instincts and forgetting everything else .

Had a nap later ( in fact I had an idea that I do my pg thesis on the connection between orgasm and sleep ! )

Later in the day I was going through an old issue of time magazine – oh, no; I cannot afford to purchase it. this was one of the two old issues I had taken on loan from the public library.

Yes, I had been to the public library on saturday after a long interval. In fact my days are falling into a somewhat regular routine after the disruption that happened after I fractured my heel bone. But it is not going to last - there is a catch.

I have to move house – the rental ends by mid june and I will have to shift before that . ( And in fact I had been to the library to look up the newspapers, for free rather than purchase the papers, for houses for rental advertisements. There were none this time - better luck next time - and I ended up picking up the old magazines )

It is a real ordeal finding a house and then packing up things and then shifting and then unpacking and then getting settled – some body had done a study and concluded that shifting house is the third most taxing event in ones life. And when that happens to a jyothi who has to do all the things on his own just imagine how much taxing it is going to be! But I think I have become a connossier at it, what with shifting house, not every year but, more than once every year; lucky me!


As I was typing in this stuff - it must have been at 1745 IST or so, now it is almost 1800 hrs IST - the power supply failed. I had removed the battery of my pda and so it conked off. Within no time the power supply came on and when I switched on the machine I gave the bios password but did NOT have to log on to the winxp - though mine is a password protected administrator account. It had opened up on its own in as is where is condition, that is exactly as it was when the power supply failed.

But there was a small problem - whatever I had typed in for the previous half an hour ( I was on the dementia issue which appears later on in this write up ) had disappeared. I am a cantankerous character and am going to type in the stuff again as it was.

now please read on

on saturday I was running errands and made some purchases and the expense came to more than 1500 INR.

i got my air gun back after repair and it is working fine now and the pBirds are going to have a difficult time from now on.

I got my deckchair repaired and purchased a foot mat for my lily from a furnishing shop and, typical of this part of the world, the repair part as it involves manual labour was far more costlier than the purchase part ; brought half a dozen whiskey glasses ( it is simple glass tumblers by yera, large and capacious and comes rather cheap and i like them. they are not available always and that is why i purchased six, to build up a reserve stock - and you can use it not only for whiskey but for other drinks as well, say for example drinking tea ! ); a lemon squasher for my staple “food” now a days is lime soda ( thanks to my home sodamaker ) with lots and lots ( and more ) of sugar, what with the hot sun and all.


incidentally that day, i mean on last saturday, I had another attack of dementia.

While in the furnishing shop I was holding two bunches of keys along with a plastic envelope containing some currency notes in my left hand. Once I went back to the car and wanted to drive the vehicle I found the bunch with the car key missing - the other bunch of keys and the envelope were still there in that very hand.

Immediately I went back to the shop and without my asking one of the staff gave me the key back!

I was lucky this time for my car key did not have the same fate as my car's remote control which just disappeared into thin air in an identical situation while I was getting my motor cycle battery back a couple of weeks back – lucky me. ( I am sure the gestapi's daughter must be frigging her clit with that remote )


kuninhu nokkikondirikkukondirunnillengil . . . . .

the situation I am facing now is one that demands that I keep on looking downwards for otherwise part of my anatomy in the nether regions might disappear into thin air ( it is a dual purpose thing and though at a pinch I can do away with one of the purposes the other is a must and I cannot afford to loose it).

so I will do that, i mean, looking downwards, keeping a watch, ensuring that that thing is not pinched.

Also I will have to carry a shoulder bag all through and must keep my keys and cards and such thing in the bag and not in my hand or pocket. And that I am sure will put an end to this acute attack of dementia.

even otherwise the bout of dementia is seasonal to be reproduced as and when required - the gestapi cannot afford to keep the pressure for long.

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20100402: at home the whole day – idling. I am starting to settle down after the fracture and am almost back to my normal ways. The leg hurts a bit and swells up once in a while that is after I keep it dependant for some time ( the right foot with the edema then looks real smart compared to the twin which is all skin and bone) but I am getting used to it and have started taking it in the stride. Even the skin in the area of the blisters that I had developed on my palms, thanks to the crutches, is peeling off.

I had fixed up the rear light and the indicator lights of the bike and made it spick and span – well not exactly for it needs a bath very badly and I will have to get a new tyre as well.

I made two long distance calls today and you know what that is one way you can convey what you want to not only to the person you are talking to but to the gestapi as well.

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20100401: been to the city on the bike –

yes it is working fine without any help whatsoever from any other mechanic than yours faithfully. The handle had bent a little and I had to get it straightened ( my fingers were getting crushed between the handle and the fuel tank ) and that required help.

There is a bit of a problem even then - engaging the gears. The gear leaver is on the right side of my bike and it is my right foot that is injured. To put it in the first gear you shift the lever upwards and I cannot do that with the foot. So initially while starting off I use my hand to put the vehicle in first gear and after that there is not much of a problem for all the other gears, the lever is to be moved downwards and I can easily do it with my foot.

The problem again comes up after stopping for it is a heavy machine and it is difficult to get a move on except in the first gear.

I had to go out today perforce for my stock of milk had been exhausted – I have an emergency supply of lactogen infant formula but that is damn costly - and so tried out srikaryam there was none and so moved off to medical college area and from there to the city milma had not supplied milk anywhere and there was a problem and I ultimately had to be satisfied with the ambadi one.

In the city I had been to the spare parts shop sun where I regularly make my purchases and then took the bit to the mechanic at near pangode to get the handle bar straightened (at all those place I was being followed by the prostitute birds of the indian pimp service and even at statue near the secretariate from where I was getting some idlees packed the pBirds were there – the pimps wont dare to come out into the open but want to announce their presence by the shrieks of the prostitute birds – udara nimitham bahukrita vesham ! )

By the time I reached back I had done thirty kilometers. My usual practice was to use the bike mostly and lily only when I have to transport things. But with the leg in the condition it was in there was no question of using the bike for the last two months and I had to take lily every time I go out.

Befor the injuiry even when I take lily to the city I used to park her at some centre point and walk to the various shops and all - i am a real kanjoose, makhi choose.

But with the injured foot walking even a few feet were extremely taxing and I was using lily to make a move of even a few feet. And she consumes a litre of gas for every ten kilometers. That means I must have spent a fortune on gasoline during the last two months. Well it was worth it for I was still mobile in spite of my broken heel bone and did hardly depend on anybody else for anything !


viceman verses

online diary

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