Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Sit_Rep 06/03/13 19:01:22 GMT

I was at home the whole day and for the information of all concerned I intend to stay at home for the next so many days – that is till I exhaust the provisions I had purchased in the last couple of days. I
The latest is that the electric power supply voltage has dipped. The netbook it looks is capable of managing with this much of power but I will have to soon switch back to the netbook's display for the LCD monitor that I am using at the moment is on batteries and the warning beep is on.
I had got up from bed past 1030am IST and had plans to do some positive work but ended up day dreaming amorous dreams and slept for another couple of hours from 1300 to 1500 hrs in spite of the full . incidentally “kottam chukkadi thailam” has fetched up over here and none of the locals will any more be suffering from any pain of any sorts. It started drizzling by then and the first thing that happens even before the showers is that power supply gets switched off – the result was that again I had to postpone my work. Even once the rains stopped the power supply was not restored and so I did a bit of gardening – all the delicate plants have been systematically destroyed and the others will survive even without my help; all the same it ( gardening) can boost my morale a bit.
The power supply got restored later with the voltage very low.
I just had my one and only meal ( a sumptuous one though vegetarian ) of the day half past mid night hour here and am trying to put it on record that I am still live and kicking as at the moment.
I would try to put this on the net but that is not essential to get the document published – any thing that I type in on my computer is in the public domain irrespective of whether I am officially connected to the net or not.