Friday, August 20, 2010

corr_20100817 SIC photos

correspondence page 1 of 2

From jyothi valayil

correspondence page 2 of 2

From jyothi valayil

fax sent report - ok

From jyothi valayil

20100825 1955hrs GMT : i just checked up the printer friendly edition of the above corresponedence and google doc says there is a bug and it is trying to repair the page. so here is an alternative - the document has already been published on the web as an html and i am giving that link to that below. right at the moment that is working.

letter of 20100817 to ksic

please click on the link and go through that letter
produced and directed by Mandabudhi (syn. jyothi)

P.S. you are welcome to try out the original link, the direct link to the above doc in google docs. i have not removed it and is there below this - see if google is sincere in repairing the page!

printer friendly copy

thank you.