Wednesday, December 22, 2010

travails of the homeless 20101222

On the draft agreement



a. in the case of your house, the ground floor and the top floor are not exactly two separate entities
– the upper floor is not self contained.

b.with the lease restricted to the ground floor only, you are free to hire out the “top floor” to some one else and that person or one of you legal heirs might start staying there – which is going to be extremely inconvenient for both parties.

If you are going to say that you are not going to do so,

then, why “the ground floor” and not the house ?

If it is about the locked rooms, a specific mention can be made in the agreement regarding that; you can even seal the door of the rooms for added safety.

So, please make THE LEASE FOR THE HOUSE and not for the ground floor only

a. I am going to use the house as my private residence.

b. with the possession of the house in your hands, strictly speaking, I wont even be able to lock the house; and ( theoretically at least ) anyone of the legal heirs or for that matter, on that pretext anybody else is free to barge in at any time - and there wont be anything I can do about it.

Again if your response is that you are not going to do any such thing,
Then why this clause!

The stipulations are already there, that I have to hand over the house in as is where is condition as it was when I took over and have to compensate for damages.

I am ready to increase the security deposit if you think that can be of any moment in this regard



I have not checked up the inventory as yet but I do not think there should be a problem there.
All the same an akai television set has been brought to the house since my last visit. I was given to understand that the person who was using it had returned it as it was no more working.


i would ike to hear from you on the matter at the earliest



* * * * *

the above is the copy of an e_mail i had sent to a learned lawyer in connection with my hiring their trivandrum corporation No.6/1499 house. the deed fizzled out and there was no further communication and i am back in "valayil" .

and now


i was handed over the key of number 6/1499, on 26 of november 2010 and was told i can stay there and i can shift my things over. but from the beginning i had insisted on a written agreement and did not want to move in without things being finally settled and all is in black and white.

things got prolonged - a busy professional has, unlike me, other things to attend to. for example if it is a learned lawyer who is practising in the sessions court it could mean the difference between the hangman's noose and freedom for an ordinary mortal like me!

so i took up a sort of temporary residence in that house in trivandrum (and had till i left on the night of 20 dec 2010 spent eleven nights there). i had a skeleton set up there what with facility to warm my bath water and brew a hot cuppa. my motor bike was also moved to trivandrum and came in handy for my running round looking up property for sale.

ultimately on december 08 ( if i remember correctly ) i got the draft format by email and as desired i gave my comments on the draft in the reply mail - the one quoted above.

there was no response to the mail and i came back to this place on 11th. and when i telephoned this person on 14 dec 2010 from my home telephone at kizhakkambalam i was told , rather rudely i would say, that if i want i can take the house on their terms.

i had already burnt my boats - and had as was legally required given the one months notice for vacating the kizhakkambalam house and going back on that would be real awkward. so i told the person i am ready to take the house on their terms upon which i was told that the agreement will be sent to an intermediary, a neighbour of theirs in trivandrum that day itself or the next day. so i left in the evening for trivandrum and it was then that i carried the extra luggage.

the promised agreement never reached me. it looks the answer that i will take the house on their terms was not the anticipated one and it was expected that i will walk out on my own once they press all sorts of funny demands, the rights and wrongs of which are very evident from the contents of the mail quoted above.

expect the best and prepare for the worst.

my ideas are, and were, clear - expect the best and prepare for the worst. i did not move my luggage from here in spite of these very same people telling me repeatedly that i can do so.

every eventuality is being catered for

( got it mr. gestapi ? )

and again i am prepared for any eventuality; if plan A fails there is plan B. and plan B, put into action once the interesting legal restrictions came, was that i will use the house for dumping my things and parking my vehicles and i myself will stay in a hotel room or some thing - and that situation could have come up even otherwise for i was wondering if i would have any space to move around once i put all my things inside such a small house and in fact during the cooler times i had requested them if they could shift some of their things kept in the open rooms to the two rooms on top that they have locked up.

once i accepted their terms i am afraid people were caught on the wrong foot and wouldn't know what to do. now that i did not take the bite it looks the problem was who is going to tell me that the deal is off and on what pretext!

i waited till the weekend for the so called agreement to come and then packed my things. i had some work on 20th and now that i have stayed in that house for around eleven days one more day could hardly make a difference - most of the decent accommodation in the city had been taken, what with the holidays and the school sports and all - and stayed till 20th, settled the accounts, handed over the keys and left by a night train the same day.

i drove my motorbike to the railway station ( luckily during the night - the passers by wouldn't know who it is ) with one travel bag hooked on to the back seat, one precariously balanced on the petrol tank in front, plus a back pack. now look at what would have happened if i had moved my things as suggested by these characters; i would have ended in a real trap !

crying over spilt milk!

incidentally when i chose this particular house i had another house on offer and chose this one rather than the other cute newly built house as this was cheaper - there was going to be a saving of about 1000 rupees per month on rent alone that way and for a destitute old man living on a monthly pension of 6500 rupees it is a big sum. it is very unlikely i would have ended up in such an awkward situation if i had chosen the other house - but there is no point crying over spilt milk!

and even in the other house things could have gone wrong in a similar manner later on for who can resist the "charms" of the (indian + gestapo =) gestapi ( it is a plainclothes policeman who calls himself cbi "officer" and his stooges from the other spy net works of the government like the so called "special" branch of the local police )

the Travails of the homeless

there is nothing surprising in these things. the poor man looking for a house is almost always taken for a ride.

the standard pattern here is that in the agreement there is no signature at all of the owner. it is just an undertaking made by the tenant and if the land owner wants they can throw him out at any time. people are not aware of these facts or because of their compulsions they do sign these document - somebody with family, a wife and children cannot afford to take stands.

of course the question does not come up when you are rich.

money, money, money;

^@ ^ &#$ % *%$$#@ (*&^%


* * * *


i reached kochi in the early hours of the morning - 0430hr - on 21 dec 2010 and walked to the bus station nearby by 0510hrs and the chap at the enquiry of the transport station told me the bus to my place has already left at 0500 hrs and there are no buses to valayil in the next couple of hours or so on an earlier similar trip when i reached the bus adda the very same chap had told me that the bus had left at 0530 - that day i had reached the bus station at past 0600hrs - it looks the bus has a habit of leaving a few minutes before i reach the place .

so i took bus 1. to palarivattom --> bus 2. palarivattom to kakkanad --> bus 3. kakkanad to pallikkara and
--> bus 4. pallikkara to molikurisu ( the total distance covered is less than 25 kms) and was back home rather early at 0730 hrs than past 0800hrs if i had waited for a direct bus to molikurissu.

i was dead tired and sleepy - though i had a reserved berth one could hardly go to sleep for the train starts from tvm at 1140 and reaches ernakulam at 0340 and one doesnot want to wake up at grurvayur.

but the pity of it was i could not afford to go to bed even after reaching home - yesterday for once i was on my toes most of the time.

the locker of my godrej storewell had got stuck and my things including my lily's original and duplicate keys and remotes as well as important documents were all in it and i had to perforce get it opened. so called the godrej helpline and the fellow promptly came and forced it.

when i initially told him the story on the phone i could hear surendran laughing merrily but once he reached here he realised what he was in for really. then he changed the tune and said that the key i was using was not the actual key of the locker. but once he priced it open he could open the lock with the same key and in the end in spite of my having to shed out 330 bucks as charges to godrej it was me who was laughing out loud. i dont blame surendran for he has never met an indian gestapo ( it is a plainclothes policeman who calls himself cbi "officer" and his stooges from the other spy net works of the government like the so called "special" branch of the local police ) even in his dreams and do not know of their capabilities.

once he was finished i drove my lily three kms to the nearest state bank atm to pay surendran and dropped him at pookkkott pati. came back and took off again with the empty gas cylinder to the cooking gas agent to collect a new cylinder - incidentally i do not need a new cylinder for my second cylinder will last at least another couple of months. the problem is that if you do not buy at least one cylinder every six months your account will be locked and to prevent that i perforce have to buy a cylinder now. funny, no?

then i drove off to the railway station where i had left my two bags in the cloak room to pick them up. the fact of the matter was that during my two trips to no. 6/1499 i had carried as much as i can thinking that the earlier and the more the things i shift now, i wont have to carry that along when i am doing the final shifting. so i was forced to buy a new travelling bag - the csd came in handy there and i got a good piece at a real ok price. and it was impossible to trudge along with both bags plus a back pack - in trivandrum i had my royal enfield to help me out and i wanted to avoid hiring an auto rikshaw at that time of the night or rather early morning for the charges are going to be extra heavy!

and by the way my bike is there in the parking lot of trivandrum central - try pinching it. you are not up to the mark? dont worry there is some thing else - the helmet. it is just hooked on to the handle and not locked and even you can pinch it. everybody has to start somewhere !

and incidentally petite lily it looks has been molested while i was not here. she is in the open exposed to the ravages of the elements as well as that of the indian pimp service - sticky gears, the door lock jammed; she even stalled a number of times while i was coming back from ernakulam last night. i am afraid the controls have been fiddled with and very soon the poor thing is also going to face the same fate as her older brother my enfield bullet. a pity indeed - both are fine machines; i can vouch for that. incidentally it is left front door that is being opened mostly.

back home after making purchases at a provision store en-route i was dead tired. and by the time i had a bath, all i wanted was to get into bed - i did not even cook my dinner but made to with some rusks and things i had brought along. so tired in deed i could not even get to jerk off in the bed as i had planned and slept like a log till the pbird shrieks woke me up in the early morning.

between you and me there is no secret
now classified information
- beware of assanges ( did i spell it correctly? )

i was abstaining for the last fortnight or so for the sun in trivandrum is real hot ( i find that i have sunburns on my lower arm - the shirt sleeves cover the upper arm. some time back, actually decades back, when i made a trip on my bike from chennai to tvm i had boasted that i have got a tan but within no time the burnt skin peeled off. ) and i used to be dead tired by the time i reached back to the house. last night i was really in the mood but too tired. but once the pbird shrieks woke me up in the early morning i had the time of my life and took a real leak.
the result is that at the moment i can manage to think of things other than the "flowers of flesh" ; right now i am in full agreement with the famous words of dr. kurian :

after all, what is there ?
"oru oottayum, kurre pootayum"

* * * *

Tuesday, December 14, 2010



today I was woken up in this house at cheruvickal near srikaryam at 0500hrs by the loud screachings of the pBirds of the indian pimp service. Could be it was from very close quarters the moment I switched on the lights the screeching stopped; and my efforts to the screeching recorded with my voice recorder could not go ahead. but the pimp's aim has been achieved.

By the way I was given a key of this house way back on 26 november;but things are still in a very fluid state even after twenty days and I have not dared to move my things in.

am I worried? Not at all.

If not this house another one.

House or no house,

you cannot keep a jyothi down.

In fact at the time I came across this house I had another one on offer but being a miser I selected this one which was thousand bucks cheaper – that obviously was a mistake.

well, now that the pBirds have done their job and disturbed my sleep i made a cup of tea I have brought a new electric heater vijay for slightly more than one thousand rupees, a tea kettle for for 350 bucks ( the tea kettle just sits in the center of the heating element and most of the heat that way is going to be wasted and so ) a stainlness steel pot for boiling water for the tea . idled away for some time but I had not had my full quota of sleep and had to again hit the bed and dozed off till 0930 or so.

One of the main purposes of my plonking here was for land hunting and some piece had come in handy but the real estate agent bunked it ( that is what usually happens when I show interest in a piece of land - who would want to sell property to jyothi ! ). the person who really suffered was a professional who had avoided other appointments and agreed to come with me to assess the property. I felt real bad about it but all I could do was apologize profusely.

Now a days I stick to the coffee house at statue for food. I am used to people making all sorts of crude gestures and comments at me. But today there was a real rowdy gang talking so loudly the whole dining hall was reverberating with the sound. In such situations ( such situations are aplenty in my life ) I ensure that I do not look in the direction of the gang and refuse to notice them at all. So as I finished and walked towards the counter to pay the bill I could see a figure crossing my path - that was a last ditch attempt on the part of one of the bloody idiots of the gang to get noticed by me – rest assured the wretch did not succeed.

I think I will have to stop eating at this joint and find another place.

By the way my bullet caught fire – that was during the last week while i was here in trivandrum.. It was a lucky escape for the fire had really reached close to the petrol tank - a short circuit. that day I had brought a hack saw from a hordware shop and cut off the circuit to the brake light and had driven home safely.

When I came back this time I took it to one workshop after other and both identified it as a problem with the brake light switch and finally after two new brake lights did not work and the wires again caught fire we removed the back light assembly found a wire had lost its insulation and exposed and the thing was set right and all is well now. In fact I had a hunch that it is this locality that was vulnerable and in my imbecility I had suggested it to the mechanics – in fact I could have corrected it myself but my tools are not with me over here in thiruvananthapuram.

Back home had a hot water bath and am in the mood to eat something for I am getting real hunger pangs – pet mem choohe doud rahe hei.

see ya soon?

By the way I am making an effort to upload this from my wireless net connection

– did I succeed ?

on the sixth of this month i had booked a ticket by the 2075 jansatabdi to trivandrum.
the train leaves at 1725hrs from ernakulam junction and i had decided to start by 1500hrs to be in time for the bus services here are very unreliable. but ultimately when i started it was almost 1600hrs and there was a big chance of my missing the train.

luckily for me for once i got a bus within no time from melekurisu to kakkanad. and within a fe minutes of my getting out of this bus another bus came and i got in - and this one was going via the railway station. i was real happy for many a time it takes half an hour or more to get a bus from my local stop melekurisu.

as we were nearing the railway station i looked at my watch which showed 1645hrs - that meant i had forty minutes time left. i was very much in time.

then i accidentally looked into the chronometer another chap in the bus had and it was showing 1720 hrs - the fellow must be really wonky. but i had a look at another chap's wrist to make certain of the fact and it was showing 1715. i started usual panicking.

with my injured right leg i could not afford to run fast and the heavy bag i had made it almost impossible to even walk at a half pace. well as i limped into the station i was again proved lucky for once for the train was late and was just pulling into the platform. and i could really get into the train and occupy my reserved seat.

after making myself comfortable i looked up my organizer and it proved that my watch was slow by half an hour or so. and i set it right then and there.

i consulted a watch repairer in trivandrum on the matter and he said it could be that the machine is sick and is loosing time and advised me to try for some more time before repairing teh watch.
that was on seventh and to this day the watch is keeping excellent time . and just now i tried it with the internet time and it is accurate within a few seconds.

then how come it lost half an hour just before i was to catch a train? if it is that it had stopped how come it started off after half an hour ?

the fact of the matter is that when you are being trailed by a bunch of biped rabid dogs from the indian pimp service any thing is possible.

what i cant believe is that how come i turned out so lucky as to catch the train by a whisker !

Saturday, December 4, 2010



Yesterday I had been to the city, that is ernakulam almost 25 kms away ( by the time I came back lily had logged more than fifty kilometers )

It was not that i was taking a joy ride - I perforce had to make a trip.Almost every equipment I had with me have stopped working during the last five months or so I had been in “valayil”. The latest in the casualty list was my television set. It was not getting powered on. I decided to take the television to the service agents – it is a good old onida. My first stop was at the service agents'of onida.

The gentleman was not there or he was having lunch or whatsoever I was asked to leave the thing there and may be in the next week or so they will be able to tell me about the prospects. A firm “NO”; repair or no repair I refused to leave the thing there.

Reason – past experience.

Incident in question:

my computer's monitor- repairing of .

It was with a supposed to be service technician for almost three months that is immediately after I landed up in this place. Initially he said it is the LOT ( what is that ?). He was going to set it right and is waiting for the spare part to arrive.

but later the fellow came up with a story there is something wrong with the main board. the problem I had seen was that the thing was not getting switched on. I am afraid it was at this stage the indian pimp service on duty got involved.

Weeks and weeks and then months passed. All I had with me was the monitor man's cell phone number. you can find "n" number of calls that had gone to this number from my home telephone – I got a detailed list of the calls I made in july kind courtesy the telecom accounts.

After a stage the chap stopped responding to calls made from my home telephone ; I persisted and started making calls from outside pay phones which of course he cannot avoid attending – it could be another fly.

Ultimately when nothing happened after three months or so and I was still at large the fellow probably gave up on the pimp ( not quite, as you would come to know later on) and agreed to deliver the monitor. This time unlike on the earlier occasions I was really met by some one who claimed it was he who was “the monitor-man”.

I had handed over the monitor to a shop at chembmukku on telephonic instructions from this “monitor man” ( the owner of the shop had washed his hand of later on and said that his shop had nothing to do with the monitor affair ) and had never met him in person earlier and it is very much possible that a member of the pakkichi police was posing as the monitor man – there is every reason for the original fellow to avoid me for after all those delays any body else would have given him a piece of his mind especially so when he realises that the monitor has not been repaired at all! I thought he had set it right and wanted to see that it is working properly. It was then that the “monitor man” came out with the real fact that all the three months waiting had been in vain. His claim was that it was beyond repair and whatever things he had put in he had taken out. Well there is nothing much i could do about it and I took it home and there was absolutely no point arguing with this character.

It is an old 15' monitor that came with my first computer I purchased in 1999 and such CRT monitors are no more available in the market. as with all other parts of that system it was a rugged thing and never developed a problem before I landed up in this commercial town. to me it is a big thing – I am perfectly happy with the fifteen inch CRT monitor and am not at all keen nor do i have the wherewithal to spend another five thousand rupees on a new monitor- the cheapest available being likely a lcd type coming to at least five thousand INR when this one would have worked fine for me.

So I took the crt monitor to another shop keeper who said he could get it looked into. Later on this young man said that they had looked it up and nothing can be done about it - there are parts missing. So that is that.

There is no reason a young technician who has got a good job in his hand be interested in pinching my dilapidated old 15' CRT monitor which can at the most bring less than one thousand INR at second hand price. I am afraid the fellow was taking orders.

The assurance that the indian pimp service had given the locals was that the great men were going to pick me up And once I am booked they, meaning the indian pimp service and their sub-contractors, can all share the booty! the pimp service had kept their subcontractors amongst the population humoured telling them that they are going to

"pockum" me –

nalle ( tomorrow) ,

budhanazhcha that is wednes day,

velliyazhcha that is friday.

and are carrying on the same vein even today. the spy network is highly "intelligent". there is always another nalle or friday or even wednesday.

right now there is lot of anticipation over here in and around the vala. a reception committee has been formed it looks and they even had a pandal at the gate for almost a week. the vegetation around the court yard of the house "valayil" where i am just now has been cleared a couple of days and ms. elikutty had come this evening to sweep the court yard. she told me that she had been specifically asked to come and clean up the place before saturday that is today - may be the big boss is coming to "pockum" me.

by the way there are two people with whom i converse over here - one is elikutty who once in a while come and sweep the court yard. there are plenty of mango trees around and she has a very tough job clearing the rubble. another is kunjumon who does the rubber tapping. we meet only very occassionally for by the time i get up on most of the days he would have come and finished his job and gone back home.

It was a few days back that I found that the television set was not getting powered on and after the trip to the city it is back and still not functional.

I was particular that I should not leave my tv with the service people for if I do so it is going to be a repetition of the monitor story – either I will never get it back or if at all I get it back it will be in the same condition as the monitor.

And I am indeed feeling a bit of relief rather now that the tv is not there for otherwise I would have been watching the friday and saturday movies on the national channel and a bit of this thing and that thing and would not get up from my easy chair. With the tv off road I feel I have some time in my hands after the mandatory duties like cooking washing and such.

almost every equipment I have with me here have been damaged after my arrival here

it is not only the monitor of the computer or the tv set that has been tampered with - that way almost every equipment I have with me here have been damaged after my arrival here. deprive me of all my money and the property I have and make me a homeless pauper and then i will come down to mother earth - I have mentioned this strategy of the indian pimp service some where else.

My motor bike

My motor bike got repaired thrice in the last less than five months of stay over here and I paid around five thousand . Still, if at the moment it is working it is thanks to a bit of tinkering by myself. Of course with a bit of kind help from a local work shop - the nuts and screws of the clutch has been made so tight there was no way I could loosen it and make adjustments and so I requested this young man and he got it loosened for me. All three stalwarts were telling me, parrot fashion, ( the original is from the same source in all cases) the reason for the problem is my bad driving – I have driven that bike, a coveted enfied bullet, for almost one hundred thousand kilometers and never had a problem of this sort. But once in ernakulam the “engineers” had fiddled with the clutch plate thrice.

Last week I have taken the bike over to thiruvananthapuram out of reach of the “chettaa"s. That is one job well done for I drove it myself over the two hundred and odd kilometers on the fantastic road that you have in this area – trivandrum is any time a thousand times better .

At kundanoor just as you get on to the NH coming from thripoonithura there is such a big kundu I thought I was gone – by the time I had seen it I could not have stopped the bike but bullet being bullet both of us came out of the pit unscathed.

I was worried about the machine breaking down enroute with all the tinkering the great engineer “chettaa"s had done to it – but it is my lucky machine and never ever failed me in spite of tremendous odds – chethak mahan hai tu!

petite lily

petite lily: Immediately on my arrival here I used to go with anyone who said that there is a piece of land for sale anywhere near by. And later on it became a joke, sort of – if the gestapo wants to get me out of the place ( obviously for a security check inside the house) some one will lure me away with the prospects of a piece of land for sale.

And it was immediately on my refusing to go to some place about twenty kilometers from this place on the pretext that the car is off road that the vehicle developed problems. One cell of the battery was gone some one said and I had to change the battery and the clutch of the car was also gone! It could be just a coincidence as well, I admit – it has already done forty thousand kilometers.

But later on after the vehicle came back from repair I found that the electrical system has been tampered with - The earthing wire had been disconnected and carefully hidden underneath. I do not think the maruti's service agents will do it and if they have not done it some one has done it over here in this compound while i was away.

My vehicles are all lying in the open and any one can at any time fiddle with it provided I am away from the house. But things need not be out in the open to tamper with them.

cooking gas cylinder

My cooking gas cylinder was very much inside the house; but a hole had been drilled in to its cap. And I had to take it all the way to trivandrum in my petite lily.

From jyothi valayil

From jyothi valayil

The fridge

The fridge was also inside the house sent in a truck ahead of me; but by the time I fetched up it had been made non-functional. Luckily I could make out that the flaw was that the power supply wire has been cut and reconnected it and did not have to go for a fridge repairer.


Incidentally I have purchased two smps – things that provide power supply to the computer - after coming here. I had a number of spare ones but all of them had their wires cut at critical points and made useless. Could it be possible that rats have chewed away the wires ? In that case were these rats quadrupeds or do they happen to be bipeds?

my computers

All my computer systems – I have two as well as a collection of mother boards and other fittings – have conked off. in the case of the 865GBF main board the main problem was with the display – it must be a minor problem some where but I cannot identify exactly what and there is no where I can get help. The machine revs up but the monitor does not show anything.

So I brought a new main board over here from ernakulam. I had taken it off after using for a few days and was banking on the net book Today I tried it again after an interval and found that the hook that holds the fan to the processor has been broken – the pieces are there inside. It could be that I had accidentally broken it – possible but not probable. All the same I managed to get the thing going by keeping it flat on the side so that the fan does not fall off. I had to for I am not allowed to write cds from the other machines – the cds will all be chewed up. And at the month end I had to make a back up of the data. And I did write a dvd as well as three cds yesterday – november 2010 back ups; Good.

Earlier, my 810 main board ( which I use with my win98 ) as well developed the same problem but there I had an old spare one and I am using it on this puter I am working on right at this moment.

For some time now I had been banking on my net book for almost everything. But the latest is that the netbook's usb key board is not being recognized any more and so from yesterday onwards I had a difficult time typing out documents – there is an obvious very drastic difference in the speed with which one can type on a normal key board and that of a net book. And by the way I use touch typing and not pecking with one finger like you do! So I perforce had to mobilize the win 98 system.

The pda the acer's netbook had been completely compromised. The settings have been fully changed. And the previous night I was trying to change the power settings I was not being allowed. Ultimately in a see saw struggle the whole power options have been wiped off – I removed some to spite the Indian pimp and the pimp in turn did the rest of the job. In fact what happened was that I named the powersystem options a “name” and clicked ok and when I returned the name was not there. So I deleted the default name and named the “name” again and when I had a look I saw that the whole choices including the one with the “name” was gone.

From indianGestapo_gimmicksOf

So I changed the user name to the “name” and rebooted and the user name was not becoming effective – it had gone back to the old one and my manipulation was not working.

Well; I am not one that gives up that quick. There is another provision for settings these things using the “control userpasswords2” command and I changed the name of the user to the “name” and that name is still sticking. I have got a picture of it on the net - of course with a fig leaf on.

From indianGestapo_gimmicksOf

This was all happening on the pda while I was not connected to the net. And as an added precaution I have disabled the wireless network card and in spite of that things are happening. In fact I had pointed out a few things to the service personal at ekm when I got it back after replacing the keyboard and it could be possible there was a fly in the ointment from then on.

" i thief, you thief;

all business man thief."

Some time back while driving in the ernakulam city I had crossed in front of a police jeep and the fellow had driven at least one kilometer along to catch up with me and tell me thekkum vatakkum okke nokki otikanam you have to look north and south while driving. Look at the audacity !

I keep a look out in all directions , not only north and south and just ignored the clown.but one cannot blame these characters - their circumstances are such.

ittoopp puranam

Have you read Ittoopp puranam by VKN. One of the many famous saying of ittoopp I still remember is his telling the russian business man: I thief, you thief; all business man thief.” The problem with this place I am afraid is what mr. Ittoop from trichur very rightly said.

Ernakulam is a commercial city and business man being business man ( exactly what ittooop bluntly said ) cannot afford to say “no” even to the lowest ranking bureaucrat leave alone a police man uniformed or otherwise - multiple skeletons in their cupboards! They worship those in power, that includes the lowest ranking local policeman out of necessity. The wretches know it and so take on airs. So just imagine what will be the mindset of a member of the “elite” indian pimp service ( it is a plain clothes policeman who calls himself cbi "officer" and his axe men from the so called "special" - pakkichi - branch of the local police) !

It is immaterial whether it is a authorised service agent or a free lancer when a member of the indian pimp service tells them to destroy whatever tne mad man has handed over to them they will destroy it. And there is no point in my asking questions. As you have seen there is no point going to the courts also.

So I decided to keep the “the neighbours envy” that was a very catchy ad that onida used to put up about their television sets with myself hoping that one day things will clear up and I could get my things in order and will be able to watch neelam and sudhanshu and all in the comforts of my own home on my good old tv ( it is model 8888 that I brought in 1988 original JVC ) .