Friday, June 24, 2011


the one man army has dug in

20110624 – 1825 GMT
                         what you see above is what I have managed till date of the house construction effort. Good enough I must say for I am living here and at this very moment am sitting in the verandah you see in front; yes that tinroofed structure.

        Right at this moment it is well lit up. I have a meter kiosk at the other end of this plot ( that way I come just within the 35 meter limit set for getting a connection without requiring a post which would have delayed the connection by at least a coupe of months or even more) and got a connection for construction purpose ( that means I have to pay a higher tariff for the power that I am using). After that it was hard labour on my part buying thirty meters of underground cable 2 core x 1.5 and digging the grond and laying the cable and taking the power to my mansion that you see above.

               There is no water supply and I bring the water manually from a house about 150 meters away and today in the morning I carried seventy five litres of water and almost filled my 100 litre water tank. That can last me two days. I have a puritt water purifier, the cheapest model installed and that takes care of the drinking water problem .

                Kind courtesy some local youngsters of nedumangad I have got a toilet installed ( that was last week and till then I was using the open fields adjacent but as is typical of the members of the cat family I used to dig a pit and cover it with earth after use.) and I do have a sort of bath room as well.

Yes; the one man army has dug in.

        the next step is provision of water supply. I had been collecting data from various sources and educating myself a bit on the matter. You can expect a picture of my bore well on the web in the very near future.

                                After that I will get busy with the fortification.

See ya soon.

PS. all I have now is the reliance wireless internet connection through a usb modem. And today once I logged in I found that I am not allowed to type in any thing – both the keypad of the net book as well as the usb kb I had connected were compromised. So I switched off the machine, disconnected the power supply, took off the battery and pressed the power switch a few times and left it alone for some time and rebooted and the keys started working! Yes the gimmick worked some how!
                               And in deed I could upload that half mb picture.

            In fact I have been making a pictorial record of the progress or regress of the work going on but it is a bit too taxing uploading them from the wireless net both expensewise as well as the time taken. So I am holding them back for the time being.

sunset at the rock park

Friday, June 3, 2011

june 2011 sitrep


20110603 - 1911 GMT :- I am out of the “vala” once and for all – thank goodness!

                  I got my things moved to trivandrum hiring a small truck at extremely high cost; but time and not money is not my primary concern now a days  - my sands are running out, fast.

                      And that done (on 20110531) I travelled back and reached kzh on wednes day early morning – I was so sleepy I missed my stop and got down at the next town and caught another bus back to kzh about 4kms  away. That was the first instance of my sleeping in the bus or even train for that matter and missing the stop.

                     After a nice refreshing sleep of about 7 hours I got up and started putting the remainiing things in my lily – I had miscalculated a bit there and had to send three packages by a parcel service and so instead of moving out early in the morning of the next day as planned I drove off and out of the vala after settling all accounts to the entire satisfaction of the owner at past 1400hrs.

                   I AM OUT OF THE VALA once and for all – that was on 20110602 wednes day

                        this time on the NH I was driving very fast even touching 90kms per hour at times. But at the towns enroute one has to go real slow and I reached trivandrum by 2100 hrs only. The only mishap was one of those novieue riche scraping against petite lily leaving a small scratch. I hooted my horn and tried to stop the bugger but the wretch speeded away without even bothering to say sorry.

            I had to stop enroute and take a doze of antipyretics; and there were moments when I thought I might not be able to make it at all and will end up in a hospital enroute. I rached trivandrum terribly sick tired and exhausted, got into the first hotel room available and fell asleep .


                   From 20110602 onwards I am in thiruvananthapuram. The indian pimp service and their subcontractors are there as usual, going about  their official chores. The prostitute birds have been let loose at all convenient locations.
               "muzhu bhrantannu” that was a "learned lady" from a house near the site where I am building my abode as I was passing by.
           "thani vattu” that was a "learned professional”  telling his subordinate, another brilliant professional - this professional has studied in detail about clay in a private college and so he can make conclusions on human brain as well for the brain is also made of the same stuff.

           Today I had been up and about since 1100hrs and one thing I did was take petite lily to her own new abode and dump the things in there.

         So, the mission has been accomplished; but only partly. The finale will see me moving to my own home from the hotel room.

               one of the main aims of my constructing a house for myself at this stage in life is to ensure that I have a place where I can lie down and die peacefully. Even the shack I am making now will serve that purpose eminently.

              But at the moment the temproray construction is lacking in basic essentials like a toilet for example. I expect to make it habitable in three - four days' time; but  there could be a slip between the cup and the lip. I am worried for it could be that things have deteriorated far more than what even I am presuming. 

                   well; they say "to hope and to act, these are our duties in misfortune" And i am going to follow the adage to the letter.



          20110529 : It is a sunday and the time now is five minutes to 2100 hrs IST.
          My telephone is dead since morning – there is no dial tone. when you dial from outside you  can hear the phone +91 484 2682505 ringing but it obviously is not ringing over here. 
         I went to the telephone exchange close by and have recorded a complaint in the book over there but the complaint has not been entertained yet. I had been to the market of kzh and there some one kindly obliged and registered a complaint from their bsnl land line phone – the docket no. is Z 209. 
             I was in trivandrum on 27- 28. had a nice journey for I could sleep comfortably till the late hours of the morning and that in spite of the complete disorder in the compartment – luckily no one usurped my berth.
           If you are travelling by the late night trains like the malabar express or the chennai express from ernakulam to trivandrum you do not require a ticket. Just get into a sleeper compartment and occupy a berth – my experience is that the conductor never bothers to check up who has got in.
I stayed over night in a hotel and reached back only in the early morning hours of 20110529.
                  kind courtesy the help of some one who arranged for a couple of workers I could get a sort of roof put over my temporary shed. We do not have any electric power at the location as yet and so the roof had been fixed by sort of tricks. But I think it will work for the time being and we can fix it permanently later on. And I do have plans to build an appendage, a varandah of sorts in the front with some tin sheet forming the roof – but that also will have to wait till electricity is available for the frame work has to be welded in place before the tin sheet forming the roof can be put up. All the same, I am planning to move in at the earliest.

             I have packed up my things but I have got to arrange a truck to carry it to tvm and I am on the job. So all is set for me to get out of the vala.
             So during the remaining couple of days the indian pimp service and their local subcontractors will for sure make a desperate attempt to put up a show of some sort as a face saving exercise, like say for example, letting loose a couple of the local goons on me who will stage a break-in on some pretext or other. I, in deed, had a biped gorilla trailing me while I had gone to the local market today – it is in reality these gorillas that “make you say all” to the “officer” police and this is not the first time that such a show has been arranged for me – I have seen it all time and again. The gorilla's keeper a destitute old man also appeared later on the scene. 
              Well; I will try to cross the bridge when I come to it. And now I am planning to make a list of the things the are to be transported in the truck .

PS. it is 1835gmt of 20110603 and i am sitting in a bed in my hotel room in thiruvananthapuram. on the day i wrote this i was still in the vala at kzh. and i was using my wireless connection and later on got disconnected, this time for a genuine reason - my prepaid money had been exhausted.

i tried to connect to the net last night in thiruvananthapuram after i had recharged with 200inr; but my username/password were being rejected.
today i had been to the reliance outlet to complain and there the very same username and password were being accepted.

and so i am here in the hotel room in thiruvnanthappuram  at it again!