Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Cheriyath Jyothi B.Sc., M.B.,B.S.,


nr rockPark, Venkode P.O.,

Thiruvananthapuram – 695028, IN

No.2012/life-post/00                                                 04/24/12.

the senior superintendent of post offices
thiruvananthapuram north – 695001.

date stamps on postal article : ? vagaries
1. this is regarding a letter I had received by ordinary post.

2. this letter no.J 1981/12 dt 02.4.12 of karakulam panchayath was delivered to me on 21.4.2012. 

the letter itself, was the result of the explicit orders of the dy. director of panchayath thiruvananthapuram in view of the karakulam panchayath not responding timely to my request for information under RTI act 2005.

3. this is to bring to your kind notice the vagaries I have noticed in the date stamps the post offices on the cover carrying the above letter.

a. the date stamp of the post office of origin ( the one that canceled the stamp ) is of 20th obviously 20th of april 2012.

b. the date stamp on the back by the vattappara post office under which venkode comes is of 02.4.2012. that means the above letter reached vattappara on the same day the letter was signed;
and  this, in spite of the letter starting its journey on 20th april 2012.

c. the date stamp of the delivery post office venkode BO is of 21.4.2012 and the letter was delivered to me on the same day
4. the above are the observations of a lay man and it could be possible that I have made a mistake some where. so I had talked to your customer service officer on the phone who said that you dont mind having a look and kindly agreed to my mailing the attached pictures to you.  
thanking you
yours faithfully
( C. Jyothi )


explicit orders from the dy director of panchayath
on my appeal

luckily the judiciary was not involved - lucky me!

utter panic

reply dated "2.4.12" 

the cover that carried the letter to me by post

mandabudhi tries desperately to send this letter and the pictures to the senior supdt. of post offices thiruvananthapuram north by e-mail. 

NO WAY - internet connection frozen. 
(the fact is that the bastard does not know how to send e_mails and 
you must tell this to everybody )

*  *  *

Monday, April 23, 2012



04:19:48 AM gmt 04/23/12

Cheriyath Jyothi B.Sc., M.B.,B.S.,

nr rockPark, Venkode P.O.,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695028, IN

No.2012/RTI-kp/01                                      04/23/12

the dy director of panchayath
civil station, trivandrum

1. please refer :your no.C4-4288/2012 dt. 12.4.2012 addressed to the secretary karakulam panchayath.

2. I have since ( i.e. on 21.4.2012 ) received the information requested for under RT act 2005 from the karakulam panchayath. the above info will serve my purpose

3. this is to express my deep sense of gratitude for the prompt response of the dy. director.

4. from my side the matter is closed. however, I am enclosing here with photocopies of the envelope in which the information was sent to me by the panchayath which carries tell tale date stamps of the post offices. 

this is in view of the possibility that the state information officer of karakulam panchayath might have claimed that the information was provided in time.

5. I have preserved the original cover and can hand it over to you if so required.
yours faithfully

enclosure: as in para 4 above

( C. Jyothi )

copy to: the state public information officer
karakulam panchayath.                                         - for information

Sunday, April 15, 2012


04:58:07 AM gmt 04/14/12


     I got up at 1000 AM ist, had a cup of tea and few biscuits and am at the puter. I had gone to bed rather early last night and in spite of that I woke up late, of course, slightly earlier than usual.
     it is the festival day, vishu, over here. but it is just another day for me.

          05:05:06 AM: I switched on my adsl modem - the adsl led got lit up at the second attempt. it invariably never gets lit up at the first attempt.
      I connected it to the system through the lan then and dialed and got connected swiftly.
      as I was opening the browser the adsl got switched off and started flickering again in an effort to reconnect. this is again a regular feature; and though the adsl gets switched off I do not have to dial again and can continue browsing after it is reconnected.
     I pulled out the lan and disconnected and then switched off the modem and switched it on again without the lan connection.
       the adsl got lit up and now I have connected the lan whose led is also lit up and
      I am going to dial now 05:08:16 AM - time is being inserted by the system and is in gmt unless otherwise mentioned.
       I got connected and superficially everything appears normal.
         and I am going to try some pages now:
      05:18:51 AM: I was trying to find some information about the panchayath – what do you mean by special grade panchayath?       and the adsl got switched off right now. reason is simple – the indian secret police is not interested in my getting the information. ( pl.see cloister current page for the real reason )
       the system was under the impression that it is still connected to the net – in fact it is connected to the black hole of the indian secret police.
       so I did it manually – pulled out the wire connecting the arse hole and my computer and the dialer kicked in asking to reconnect. 

         i went through the usual steps and got connected again. 
        06:09:38 AM: net connection cut off just now - it has been properly cut off and the dialer kicked in asking to reconnect. this cutting off happened exactly as I was embedding a movie on the adsl a talking movie on the blog infotech the M/F is watching.

         06:17:17 AM: I “connect” via the reliance modem and the web page is published – at least that is what it says.
        close down the connection and

       am going to prepare some breakfast and have it – everything else after that.
       yes; I have been looking after myself these days - I had gone very weak and I cannot afford to continue like that. so now a days, I ensure that I have a proper breakfast and at least one square meal.
       after the bed tea and biscuits I ensure that I take some breakfast mostly bread and eggs and that in the morning itself – earlier the break fast used to be some time in the evening. today it has got delayed and I must hurry

            I would leave you with the two movies embedded below :.

and here is my message to the hiding GESTAPI
 - that is the indian gestapo 

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Application for Information Under Right to Information Act 2005 :
Cheriyath Jyothi
nr rockPark, venkode PO, thiruvananthapuram – 695028.
the appellate authority
and deputy director of panchayath,
civil station, kutappanakkunnu, thiruvananthapuram.

1. Date of submission of application : 06.3.2012.

2. Particulars of information sought :

a ) the name of the building rules relevant to karakulam panchayath and
b) list of later amendments if any to the above rules.
year to which information pertains : current .

3. Name of Office concerned with the information : karakulam panchayath office.

4. Particulars of the disposal of application : COOL INDIFFERENCE; no response
by the State Public Information Officer : as on date, viz 09 April 2012.

5. Brief facts leading to appeal : NO RESPONSE even after thirty days of submission of the application.
6. Other relevant reference : Nil; copies of the application and the receipt issued by the panchayath office enclosed.

place : Venkode – 695028.
date : April 09, 2012.
( c. jyothi )
Enclosures : copies of
i) application under RTI 2005 and
ii) receipt no.1980/2012 dt.06.3.2012 of karakulam panchayath    

let us see what the panchayath says

Sunday, April 1, 2012

gusthakhi Maaf

11:55:29 AM gmt 04/06/12

gustakhi khoob karo”
point noted; thank you very much.

lag jaa gale,  *,  * * * * * * *;
*, * * * *, * * * *.”

09:43:08 AM gmt 04/01/12

chehre pe giri zulpem;
kah doom tho, hata loom mem ?

*  *  *