Thursday, February 27, 2014


SitRep 07:12:38 PM GMT, 02/26/14:

 I will cross the bridge 
when I come to it
today I had been to nedumangad on official business.
I had filed an execution petition EP 10 of 2014 in a court of justice there. It was in the case of the vilappilsala issue . The decree has already been issued by the lok adalath and the grace time of three months had elapsed; and as per the directions in the decree I filed this EP with the concerned authority - that was a month back and the petition was to be heard today.
Section 21. (2) of the legal services authorities act 1987 says that “ every award made by a lok adalath shall be final and binding on all parties to the dispute, and no appeal shall lie to any court against the award
so what was to happen in the court today was a foregone conclusion.
But that   is in the case of ordinary mortals
At 11 am I was told that the court was not going to be in session today and the case was postponed. The concerned official promptly posted it to another day, march 05 - incidentally another Wednesday.
And so you get another week to neutralize me; that is over and above the three months granted by the adalath.
I wish you better luck then.
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There is another gentleman who is in dire trouble and that case is coming up on 10 march. Incidentally that case also dragged on with nothing happening in the first three months.
THE strategy adopted in both cases was the same; what has been promised by the IP is that I wont be there to pursue the case next time the court meets. The lok adalath was specifically requested for two months time to execute the orders and once the two months were granted the party asked for three months and it was made from two to three months. see the similarity?
And by the way in the court both the parties were using the very same language to refer to me - the reason for the similarity is that both the parties are being coached by the same fraternity. incidentally it is the typical lingo that the pigs use against their victims that was coming out in both cases.
In the lok adalath as I mentioned earlier the member of the adalath cautioned the “madam” not to use un-parliamentary language; but in the other case there was no such stricture.
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the persecution now a days has become very intense. And every spy and every one of their pimps is being put on duty on me. I am under acute provocation and am afraid I might take it out on some body one of these days.
Many a times it tells in my driving; and today it happened again – a motorist took some liberties with me and I angrily turned towards him and hooted my horn for quite some time. In the bargain I had come dangerously close to a car; luckily I became aware of it just in time and this time very narrowly escaped colliding with it.
I think I will have to do either one of two things – find some one to fight and let loose my pent up anger on her or take a break from the road for some time.
*C *C * C
      there is a change of guard it looks and the destitute old men gobbling up food sitting across me at the same table ( recently I had a meal a couple of times in a hotel in Trivandrum ) have reappeared again.
        My things have started disappearing again. Last week end a shopping bag I had left in my petite lily's front seat had disappeared – no, I did lock all the doors – and in that was my wireless internet modem and with that goes my cell phone as well.
       And yesterday I brought a new and better wireless internet connection – rather on the expensive side but at the moment it is working fine and the speed in deed reached almost one MB – that was when I was downloading the google chrome. I indeed could watch a U tube movies messey's and leonardo's goals - some twenty of them !
        Well; it could be that the IP has not got to grips with this type of modem. In deed I had gone to Trivandrum today as “the computer I was dialing was not responding”. Probably the IP was blocking me from the server end. And I wont be surprised if things go down from here. The policy is make hay while the sun shines.
      In the mean time the bsnl broad is hanging on my wall. I have not used the so called broad or the telephone for almost two months now but am paying the company regularly.
        Before that, ( that is before I stopped using it completely ) I had made a complaint - as usual the adsl light was getting switched on and off . It was a sort of on demand adsl and the adsl facility was being activated and deactivated at will. When I complained, as usual the response was that the line was faulty. The man came and examined and set it right. But the internet was still not functional.
       The claim of the sde was that they have checked up every thing upto the DP and it is all oK. But as I was not allowing their man to enter the house, that part ( from the DP to my phone ), cannot be checked and the problem was there.
        Where I am living is a 5 x 4 meter structure and the phone is in my bed room 3 x 4 meters. There is hardly any space to turn around and so when their man comes I take the phone and the line to the anteroom and there the fellow examines it. The whole line is in front of him except the part going through the wall into the bed room.
            I realised there is no point and left it alone -RADIO SILENCE.
Now a days I find that the line is clear and there is no noise at all. How come ? I have not allowed any one to enter the house and the damage if at all it was there earlier it must be there now also – it cannot get corrected on its own.
       The fact of the matter is that it is all man made. Now that I am not using the phone there is no point the IP tampering with the line or attaching a jammer. So the IP has gone off from the line and the line is clear.
         The moment I start using the phone the IP will be put on “duty” again and the problem will crop up. So just leave it alone and
              Keep paying 250 INR to the Thiruvananthapuram telecom every month – my proud privilege.
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             AT THE MOMENT The pimps in this locale are terribly excited  - in anticipation of what is going to unravel in front of them. Rest assured it will be worth your while.
                On my part  I will try to cross the bridge when I come to it and will carry on enjoying life to the fullest as is being done now a days. I am keeping count and in this year the full monty has already crossed seventeen says my calendar.

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